Chapter 41

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Aniki POV
"First tell me your name before I wop your ass man." I said punching my knuckles to the palm of my left hand.
"That isn't very polite to say to a lady you beast". A girl voice came from under the hoodie she wore covering her face. The wind blew and her hood as well as much of her hair flew out from its protection. the moonlight illuminated her figure and she seemed childlike.

"I'm no brute. I'm a hero for you information. And I'm here to save the world. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to save the world as well. You're the villains and in the wrong. We came to protect.. I can say no more. Not like a neanderthal like yourself would get it."

"Don't make me angry. You want a fight. You got one." I said and began moving toward her. Her legs were lifted off the ground as she floated and in one snap, there were a thousand visible arrows surrounding me.

"Found... Space!" And as my fingers touch the ground, glass walls came and sheltered me from each wind arrow.
"Oh so you aren't as dumb as I expected. But you still will fall just the same."

Then the arrows came harder faster and exploded more. It didn't faze me. "You talk weird." was all I said before jumping from my distance to her's with a forward leap. Happened in under a second just like I practiced. She had no time to block so she took my full fist from her floating position to the ground. I didn't expect anyone to wake up after a few hours from that.

I was wrong.

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