Chapter 24

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The grand demon lord said, "Well we obviously see the two young men have out classed the their opponents so a deal's a deal."

Shadelee began floating upside down while spinning in her chair as she has dark blue jeans, a shirt that says "Mischievous and I don't care" and a g shock watch on. Her hair gets untangles from the bun she had and flies out and around as she finally turns upright to land on the 4 legs and her Jordan shoes. Justin breathes heavily and smiles as he walks toward her. She jumps out of her chair and he sort of limps and falls into her open arms as they fall to the ground.

His leather jacket sticks to his skin and his jeans loosened a little after the fight. I notice he keeps smiling and she kisses his cheek as he just, and I'm dead serious as I say this, falls asleep and starts to snore while she rubs his hair through her fingers. She sits up obviously remembering where she was as I kneel down and whisper so I don't wake him up, "Don't worry I got you guys and I'll try to explain everything after he gets some sleep. Welcome back though Shade." She doesn't break contact all the while I'm talking and nods in agreement. Then she puts his head closer to her heart and I get Jasmine to give me her power to send them home to the living room along with Chariese, Zanasia and Na-tarria. Anymore and I would've passed out too.

So what happend afterward you say, well because you were so polite to ask, I'll tell you. The southern lord gets highly upset but accepts defeat and the crimes he did to sabotage both happiness and the election. "If you keep showing humans bad sides of us then they'll think we're all mean bloodsucking evil doers. We're just demons not corrupted humans or fallen angels." (Hint to next battle)

He took his leave and the grand lord told me this. He explained that Bell's carpet is for flying and the bracelet transports her to the Grand's domain to play which I had no problem with. He liked to play with her and gave me time to myself if I felt like cursing out loud without putting money in the swear jar. (I think Na-tarria takes from there when she gets bored).

I took her out of his grasp and she kept nibbling on a small sugar cookie and smiled at him. They did an elaborate handshake and he turned around to an open door.

"What about the next grand demon lord?"

"Well we'll decide that next year cause I'm tired for today. Try not to die by the next time we meet, Marcus." He said not turning his back but waving his hand behind him. I looked around us and everyone was cheering and begun to leave. The western and northern demon lords were both women though the west was about my age maybe 18 and the north looked to be about 29 years old. She got up and fire engulfed her as she turned away with a smile. The western lord gave me a wink and a wave with her wrist then water engulfed her and her bodyguards. I think her name said Nicole Medina.

My legs unbuckled and Aniki caught me with his back as he lifted my arm over his neck and smiled in my direction. With Justin snoring and Shade still on the ground we all touched each other and teleported to my house with Jasmine. Shade was amazed with how things were progressing. Aniki rested me on the couch and Jasmine lifted her legs up and rested her head on my left shoulder. Jackie rested my sword that I must've dropped on the wall and rested her head on my lap and sighed closing her eyes. I told Zanasia to use her magic to levitate the sleeping Justin and Shadelee toward the other couch and she did as I asked. I had Shani help me explain a little while she helped us fill in the blanks.

"Shade, I'm Marcus. I control multiple abilities and powers but I mostly use two swords. A wind type named Soyokaze but Kaze for short and a flame type named Hikari. I'm about the strongest of everyone by 20% now."

"I'm Shani. I'm the brains of this group. My power is really intelligence capacity, building things out of thin air and reading people's minds though I have improved to control minds aswell." Then Chase handed her an ice tea. "And this is my demon boyfriend Chase. He's nice and strong." she said before kissing him.

"I'm najm aka Aniki. I'm about the second strongest of this group. I control lighting and able to form arm out around myself. I'm finally able to bring out a pure lighting sword and a call down a lighting shower out if I please but only 2 times or I lose control. That's proabably why Marcus always has a scar that is healing when we train." I look at him and he looks down but I say it's okay and he brightens up.

"I'm Na-tarria. I mastered the art of-"

"Getting on your knees." Justin said in a muffled voice into Shadelee's chest but we knew he was still asleep.

"No, of fire and I use an axe to help me knock sense into these three idiots but unfortunately not for long since I'm moving to Florida by next week."

"WHAT?" We all said in unison. I ached in pain and lied back down. Justin rustled and got up and Na-tarria got to smack the sleep out of him for the "knees joke." She symboled keep it rolling and we were forced to.

"I'm Chariese. I only have the power to heal but Marcus gave me this necklace that controls rocks. Sometimes I lose it but hey."

"I'm Zanasia and I use magic to do all sorts of things like undo barriers and blast things and make my own sandwich when I want and help everyone else out when I can."

"My name's Belleza but I like it when papa calls me Bell. He and my loyal subjects serve me and play with me and take me to school and feed me and the girls wash my hair sometimes and I like all of them." Shade looked straight at me and the 2 girls on my body with a look of confusion.

"I take care of her like daughter. Her bio father is the demon lord of the east but I'm her papa 2. I love her and we been together for 4 months already." I tried to explained. I sighed and smiled.

"I'm Nicolle. I'm a demon and my father is the demon lord of the east. I don't exactly like using power but I do make a mean ice cream sundae. I got saved by Marcus once and he houses me, Rose, Jasmine, Jackie, and Belleza. Mary and Chase over there live in apartments around the corner where Shani's parents own it."

"And that guy on top of you sleeping is Justin. He controls three small persons called deities. They provide him with the power of wind, earth and water. His weapons are two long daggers that he pulls from blue vortexes and I taught him how to mix his deities but he sometimes loses control and only Aniki or I can stop him." I explained and she looked at the sleeping boy on top of her.

In her sweet mellow voice, she said, "I appreciate what you did out there against my father and for Justin. I didn't know he was this kind of person. He's like Hero. You and him are like my cliche knights but why other than the fact that he's your best friend, did you come and fight?"

"I once almost died. All of us around here went to save Nicolle and I thought we'd be fine but I was wrong. I was fighting the demon lord of the east and half my friends were gone and the rest were barely alive beaten to the ground." They all faced the ground remembering those moments. "I tried to avoid it as best I could but it ended up as I feared. So I teleported my fallen friends and after seeing them in that state, some dark power came over me. I lost my entire self to dark energy and almost killed the east himself as well. But the main thing was that I chose to give up my life in order to make everyone else better." She listened intently. "Justin and I were on the roof in front of your dorm when you got picked up and before that the time he called you. I saw the same expression, use of the same words and same thoughts that I thought when I gave up on my will. You showed them perfectly and that broke my heart. I couldn't let anybody do the same. I knew you didn't want to break his heart but you had to in order to let his heart go. I helped to save you both from regretting something. If your gonna break up, then you can do it under normal circumstances." I finished and let out a huge sigh.

Justin woke up and looked around him and then up at Shade. She pulled him in and mushed their lips together. He was so in shock that I thought his spirit would start to fly right out of his body and we'd really lose him.

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