Amino rant

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First of all,I love amino. It's a great way to communicate with people all over the world. I met my friends on there.
But one thing that annoys me is what people do in the comments .
They comment things like #featurethis or "here before the feature" but everyone says that this doesn't work and there are literally suggestion posts for feature worthy stuff. Plus,you give a person so much joy and then their post doesn't get featured. So like,, don't.
Also,people comment a lot of unrelated stuff like,,I'm sorry but I don't care about what a certain song means to you or if you like the ship or some sh×t like that. Say something about my post or don't say anything at all. And if you want to complain,this is my vent book and you don't need to write a comment and say "that's rude,you're wrong etc" cause it's a rant book. What do you expect??

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