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"What the he is this Chanyeol?!" Kyungsoo yells as he tugs the taller man's ear to lower him down and show what's on his phone screen. It was 1AM and some of the boys thought it would be nice to visit their sick friend. Kyungsoo had stayed behind as he was the more mature person in his circle group and decided to take care of Chanyeol until his situation at the very least, lessened.

Chanyeol somehow got the flu.

Kyungsoo pinched him and pointed back at his phone screen.

Chanyeol's private IG account is seen and on the account is a single picture of him eating Chaeyoung's ice cream.

"A picture." Chanyeol answers to which Kyungsoo hits his head, "I can fucking see that, Chanyeol. I'm talking about the account. Why do you have one?! Do you know how dangerous this is?! Do you know the things that could happen if someone found out about this?!"

Chanyeol rubbed the back of his head where his friend had hit him. "It'll be fine. Besides, it's on private and no one would know it's me. Look, I'm only following the idols I'm close to who also have private accounts. They haven't gotten caught yet and so will I... not... get caught."

Kyungsoo sighs and hits him again before storming out of the penthouse muttering a string of curses. Chanyeol shivers and snuggles more into his blanket.

He shakes his head and falls on the large sofa when the elevator dings. He groans and stands up, ready to punch whichever friend decided to force him to get up from the shivering pain of his flu.

But it was Chaeyoung instead.

His agitated state quickly calmed down when he saw her state. A. beautiful white sundress that made her glow even more. Her hair was still blonde but he had seen some pictures of her with black hair. Honestly, he didn't mind whatever hair color she chose. In the end, she was still breathtaking.

She had a tote bag slinging on her arm and Chanyeol quickly took it from her and she smiled at him and thanked him for that. Just a simple smile from this girl made Chanyeol feel like the happiest man in the world. Like whatever sickness he felt wasn't there.

Chaeyoung followed him to his kitchen and while taking out the ice cream in the tote, he realized Chaeyoung had another bag. He was to reach it when Chaeyoung shook her head. "I heard about your condition. I made some soup and got you forehead coolers and my friend, Jisoo, bought some flu meds for my friend but she's okay now so I'll give them to you instead.

From those words simply, Chanyeol had to hold himself back from kissing her. God, she was so kind. And generous. She's just like an angel.

The came the crashing realization.

He doesn't know enought about Chaeyoung. He wants to know more about her. He can't be on the edge of falling when he knows nothing about her.

So that's when Chanyeol got the idea.

"Thank you, Chae— Ah!" Chanyeol starts to fake a headache and leans on the counter for special effect. Chaeyoung immediately rushes to help him and stares at him with worry.

"Are you okay? Does your head hurt? What do you want?"

Chanyeol starts shivering intensely. "I think it's getting worse."

Chaeyoung made another one of her adorable worried faces that made Chanyeol smile a little. She leads him to the sofa and rushes back to the kitchen to fix his soup. When she comes back while the microwave heats the nourishment up, she kneels down infront of him while he lays on the sofa, softly moves his hair away, and puts the forehead cooler on him.

"Do you," Chaeyoung starts before clearing her throat. "Do you mind if I stay to take care of you?"

Chanyeol smiles and nods. Chaeyoung, unknowingly, had started to cup his face, her thumb tracing the bags under his tired eyes.

With Chaeyoung, Chanyeol felt rested. With Chaeyoung, Chanyeol felt peace.

The microwave dings and Chaeyoung stands up slowly to get it. After a few minutes, Chanyeol stands up straight. He expected Chaeyoung to hand him the bowl but instead, she starts blowing the spoon.

"What are you doing?" Chanyeol manages to say, his voice sounding like a whisper.

"The soup is too hot. I think your microwave is broken." Chaeyoung answers.

It wasn't what he expected her to answer but honestly, it felt nice to be treated this way. It felt nice to know what love must feel like.

Did Chaeyoung love him or did she just care?

It didn't matter to him right now because the most beautiful girl in the world was spoonfeeding him like a child.

After a few spoons, Chanyeol manages to find his voice to ask her something.

"Tell me about yourself. Anything."

Chaeyoung purses her lips as her eyebrows scrunch up. "Well, there's not much to know. I stayed in Australia for years until I came here. I'm fluent in English. My favorite colors are white, blue, yellow, and baby pink. I kinda know how to play piano and guitar. What else?"

"Have you ever fallen in love?"

Chaeyoung stares at him then stares away as she tries to hide her blush. She bites her lip and something inside Chanyeol churns.

"I have. Once." She answers.

Chanyeol doesn't know whether to be happy or not. Maybe she had fallen in love with him. Maybe she fell in love with someone else. Maybe she fell in love once and never fell again.

"I'm not sure if it's love though. All I know is, I like everything about him. He's kind. And pure. No one sees the real him, but I hope... I hope I do."

The soup moves to coffee table thanks to Chanyeol and his warm hands hold her's. Chaeyoung worries because he feels like he's burning up but his smile reassures her that he's okay.

And she believes it.

Chanyeol stares at Chaeyoung's knuckles and kisses them both, unbeknownst to the importance it held. Chanyeol didn't give a single fuck because he knew that that was what Chaeyoung deserved. A gentleman.

"Whoever he is, I hope he knows how beautiful you are. Inside and out. Mostly inside but how beautiful you are out is also incomparable."

Chaeyoung laughs as a single tear falls from her eye. More fall and Chanyeol frowns at this.

His hands moves to cup her face, similar to what she did to him, and wipes her tears away with his thumbs. Chaeyoung melts to his touch and they both lean in, slowly.

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