Party Rock

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All the girls were in Bikinis and they and they had their towels and loads if beer in a cooler. They were still in the penthouse in the Tower as clean up at the Head Quarters was still underway.

The boys were in the main lounge area, where parties were held. They were in their suit and ties and some had a few beers already.

"Are the girls out yet? We need to get this party started!" Tony yelled. Tony knew were still there, they just haven't left the backup lounge.

"They don't wanna walk out for some reason." Bruce mumbled from the couch. Steve looked over to face him with curiosity.

"How do you know that?" Steve laughed.

"My ex told me." Bruce grunted. Everyone was taken back. Tony walked over to Bruce with a concerning look.

"Hey... you were over Natasha, remember?" Tony said.

Bruce shook his head and rubbed hisbhead slowly. He looked confused. "Oh, I'm sorry guys. Something came over me."

"Whoa..." Quill said slowly. All the boys turn to see the girls walk down the stairs in slow motion, well they were in slow motion to the boys.

Tony was about to walk up to Pepper but she shook her head. She was dominating the lead role here, and she was rocking her bikini. She was followed by Natasha, who's Steve's eyes couldn't resist to look at her from head to toe.  She was a pretty thang.

"Where are you guys heading?" Thor asked. Jane stopped to face the boys as Pepper and Natasha held the elevator doors open.

"To a party bus, where we will get a hit male stripper, then get dropped off at the rented house, drink, party, and swim. Have fun boys!" Jane winked. Thor reached his hand out, and Jane looked at him one more time.

"Please be careful... all of you. Call us if anything happens, God fobid it!" Thor says worridly. Jane nodded slowly and entered the elevator full of girls. After that, it was silence. Tony ran to the nearest window. It was slanted so he could see the New York ground. A few minutes later, more like ten, a party bus pulled up beside the Tower. Then the girls flooded into it.

"So, now what do we do?" Clint asked. He already knew that question. He was always so over protective over Natasha that he risked his life just to save her's many times over.

"We drink, and we get worried. Excepr for Steve. It'll suck to be him." Tony admitted slowly.

"It'll suck to be Captain America? He's a hero." Steve chuckled, taking his mind off of Natasha and how vulnerable she is now. Steve didn't go back for James, so he's technically still out there.

"Being sober soldier, it'll suck to be sober all the time!" Rhodey lifted his glass. Steve nodded and sat back down on the couch. Clint walked over to Drax and Quill who were at the bar, watching over Baby Groot as Rocket played pole table with Sam.

"Are you guys staying here for sure? Earth could use the extra help against bad guys." Clint chuckled. Quill nodded slowly and looked over at the Earthly being.

"No, as much as I would like to explore it and learn the land I came from, I need to do what Carrol is doing. Protecting other planets from bad guys out there, because not all Bad Guys aim for Earth." Quill pointed out.

"Hinting our name Guardians of the Galaxy." Drax added. Clint nodded, a little sad. With two Avengers gone, totally forever. One Avenger across the Galaxy, and Quill and his group out there as well, Earth isn't as strong as it is when they are here.

"We'll come back though," Quill laughed and pointed back af Steve. "Gamora loves Steve, he's her brother. Maybe not by blood, but by bond. Just call is when you need us." Quill handed Clint a small chip with a very tiny button.

Thor, Steve, and Tony, the famous Avengers trio, stood on the balcony as everyone settled into the party. Thor had his hammer in his hand and he over looked the city lights at night.

"I can't stop worrying about Pepper." Tony mumbled.

"Nat's alone out there with James on the run." Steve look at Tony. Thor kept quiet and looked into the sky. He loved Jane, Steve loved Natasha, and Tony loved Pepper. Three men, madly in love,  but they're the only ones who can't party while worrying about their womem.

"Jane isn't even an Agent yet, she hasn't completed training and she's vulnerable." Thor looked at the two younger men. By younger, I mean younger. Thor is basically a thousand year old.

"If they need us, they'll call us." Steve said with confident. "We'll be there, ready to fight any threat."

"Even a stripper?" Tony joked a bit, trying to enlighten the mood.

"Yes, even the stripper." Steve warned.

"Was it me or I heard that wrong?" Thor asked with a more happy tone than before. Steve and Tony chuckled and they three stayed there, hoping to find at least one star in the night sky.

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