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it's getting good now guys...

"Why are transporting these two into Space? They'll need proper suits, exactly like mine by the way, amd they'll need communication and a control watch to bring them home." Scott informed. Tony looked at Steve and he nodded himself.

"There is a new threat coming to Earth and he's very powerful. We are going to use the infinity stones to destroy him, and two of them are in outer space." Tony replied to Scott's question.

"We'll make the suits and everything if you agree to help us." Steve pleaded. They really needed Scott's help and he looked a little scared.

"Who is Thanos and can I trust yoy with this knowledge?" Scott asked like he was the big deal. Natasha and Steve looked at each other and sighed.

"Thanos is a Titan who is looking for his children and he will murder anyone who gets in his way. And Yes, no one will know about this." Steve said quickly. Scott nodded and leaned forward and smiled slightly.

"Ok, I trust you guys. Anyways, tell me about the stones." Scott smiled. Tony nodded and looked at Scott in the eyes.

"There are six and they are the space, time, mind, power, reality, and soul stones. They are powerful." Tony informed.  Scott chuckled and looked at Tony.

"The soul stone sounds evil." Scott joked. Tony shaked his head and landed a hand on Scott's shoulder.  Although, Natasha looked away knowing that people are keeping something away from her about the soul stone. Steve looked over at her, feeling the same about the secrets.

Steve phone buzzed and he looked at it

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Steve phone buzzed and he looked at it. It was Sam amd he needes them over at the Head Quarters because Vision and Wanda returned. Steve put his phone away and notified everyone at the table. They got up and returned to Tony's car. They also raced down the road and drifted into the driveway and waited for the guarded gates to open. They did and Tony sled down the drive way to the Head Quarters parking lot.

Tony parkes his car outside the teaining facility amd everyone hopped out. They walked inside to be greeted by Bucky as he lead them all up stairs to see how Vision was doing.

"How is he?" Steve asked. Bruce shurgged as they all walked into the infirmary.

"We don't know, he's been alseep every since the stome was taken out of his head." Bruce said as he held the Stone in his hand. All eyes went to tje yellowish glowing object in Bruce's hand. Then, in everyone hearts, it was time to start building the transporter.

"Ok everyone, let's get to work." Tony yelled. Everyone did. They rushed around, listening and following orders Steve and Tony gave. Both worked together in this project and their was a few fights. Scott returned back home to get some important things needed for the mission. Especially the Pym Particles needed to become ant sized people.

Tony dragged tubes and wiring needed for this device and Thor did the heavy lifting. Many people sawed into metal pipes to clear out more room. After all, this was an imortant project. Gamora even helped and she stayed close to Steve. Them two didn't see themselves as siblings anymore, but more like best friends who would stick up for each other. But as they all worked to build the device, one question was hammering Steve's head.

"Why are you and Carrol keeping secrets from me and Nat?" Steve asled quitely. Gamora's hard working face became into a sad mess. She still couldn't tell Steve, but she sure can hint it to him.

"The consequence stays permanently. It can't be undone." Gamora walked off after thay and Steve stood there, trying to priece together a puzzle everyone has laid out for Natasha and Steve.

Though Steve looked up and saw a very beautiful woman, red firey hair with vanilla color hair below. She smirked over at Steve as she worked on the tablet, looking over the calculations.

Natasha set the coordinates onbthe tablet and checked if the power systems were working right

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Natasha set the coordinates onbthe tablet and checked if the power systems were working right. Steve couldn't help but stare back at her and he smiled wide. He couldn't believe that he was gonna leave her to keep her safe, until now he realized he was the one who needed to protect her.

"You two love birds get to work!" Thor called from across the room. They both nodded and got back to their original task. Fury watched them all from a perched railing. Carrol and Agent Maria stood behind him and he finally became curious.

"What are the consequences." Fury asked quietly. Carrol exhaled slowly as she sat beside Fury herself.

"One of them would have to sacrifice themself for the soul stone. That's the only way to get the stone and the death stays permanent forever." Carrol frowned and Fury nodded. He couldn't do that to them. He knows they'll fight each other to die.

"We know that we'll lose a great person, a mom or dad, and we can't let that happen. Captain Marvel, execute your plan if he's ready." Fury frowned and shook his head.

Carrol wasted no time getting up to walk off towards him. But Fury needed to let Steve and Natasha finally know that it's time.

"Romanoff and Rogers!" Fury yelled as he got up. The two said people looked up and made their to the meeting room. Natasha was letting hervhair down as she was going to fix it later, only later her life would change or possibly end.

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