Work Day

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Natasha grabbed cute little baby blue jeans and a blue elephant shirt and slipped them on little Grant. Steve walked in slowly, knocking on the wall to let Nat know he was there.

"Hey Steve!" Natasha hid her hurt from last night with a smile.

"Hey Nat," Steve was about to tell her the truth but decided not to. Although, Steve did walk over and picked up Grant after Natasha was done changing him. Baby Grant laughed and giggled as Steve tickled his side gently. Natasha watched in awe as she dreamed of a day waking up to that.

"So whats your plans today?" Natasha asked Steve. Steve shifted baby Grant to his left arm and picked up a small Batman backpack that arried Grant's things.

"After I drop off Grant with Pepper, Nick Fury wants to talk to me. He says it's important." Steve said. Natasha furrowed her eyes at Steve and folded her arms across her chest.

"Weird, Fury wants to see me too." She replied.

Last Night after the little conflict with Steve....

Carrol landed outside of the Avengers Tower after finding out the Avengers moved back into the tower for the time being. She walked into the tower and took the elevator all the way up, listening to the country music that played in the back.

Once the doors opened, Carrol walked out and saw Steve leave the big luxury room, he looked hurt and sad as he made his way to a small balcony outside. Carrol continued but peaked through the room Steve left, and saw Tony, Vision, Bucky, and Sam head up to a loft looking lounge to the others. Carrol shrugged and made her way to Nick Fury's office.

She knocked on his door which was unlocked. Carrol made her way in and saw Fury sitting in his chair, staring intensely at her.

"Captain." Fury said. Usually, that was Steve's nickname, but not right now.

"Fury, I'm sorry to bother you, but this is urgent." Carrol said quierly. Fury got up and shut the door behins Carrol and made his way to his window.

"You're here to tell me that Thanos is looking for the stones." Fury added. "We know."

"Yes, which means we have to get all six infinity stones first." Carrol added. Fury nodded and searched his files on special people who can do remarkable things. He pulled one out that said Ant-Man.

"Find him, his name is Scott Lang. We can use his Quantum Realm sciences to help us." Fury gave Carrol his very serious stare, and she noddes quickly.

"But there is one Stone that has a consequence..." Carrol started but Fury raised his hand.

"I don't want to know because if I did... No one would want to do this mission." Fury frowned.

Carrol sighed and nodded and quickly left the room. Fury, on the other jand, called the original Avengers to come to his office. He knew what crazy things were about to happen, which means another crazy move to the Avengers Head Quarters which were under going clean up from a year ago.

Tony walked in, followed by Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, and Clint. All of them waited silently until Fury looked at them one last time. "There was a dream to bring together a group of remarkable people, who can do things others can't, to fight for those who can't defend themselves. Now, this is their fight, a fight I believe they all trained for."

"Fury what is this?" Bruce asked.

"Files on the six infinity stones, although we don't know where the soul stone is located yet." Fury started,  passing files to the people who will retrieve the stones. "Thor, you need to travel back in time to get the aether from Jane's veins, which is the power stone. Stark, you will need to travel back in time to get the tesseract... space stone. Clint, you will take Sam with you to take Vision to Wakanda and extract the mind stone from his head. Bruce, you need to call over Dr. Strange and get the time stone. Steve and Natasha will travel through space to retrieve the power and soul stones. Whereabouts are on folder."

"Why do they get to go to space?" Clint asked. Fury looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"Because they are the only two willing to sacrifice themselves for the world." Fury mentioned. No one really took that to heart, but eventually, many would regret that. "Carrol is here, by the way, and she is getting Scott Lang. We can use the Quantum Realm to get to these other planets."

"Well... looks like we got work boys." Natasha whispered to the boys. Fury rolled his eyes.

"Let's get to work." Fury said.

Back to present day....

Steve dropped off Grant at Pepper's office with Natasha. He insisted she went with Grant before Fury sent them off somewhere. They started to make their way to Fury's office but was stopped by Tony, Thor, and Bruce.

"Hey guys, so we have multiple questions." Tony started which causes the couple with issues to stop. "If we defy the physics behind this hammer, do you think we can lift it?" Tony asked.

"Uh no." Steve said.

"I doubt you two are worthy enough." Natasha added. Thor chuckled amd flipped his long blonde hair behind him, causing everyone to chuckle.

"Ha! The two little people agree." Thor laughed.  Bruce folded his hands across his chest and rolled his eyes.

"I can easily beat you in a fight." Bruce stated. Thor waves it off, rolling his own eyes while chuckling.

"Nah... the green guy is to weak." Thor mentioned. Tony was already ignored tha at he walked off towards Clint who was down the hall. Bruce and Thor quickly followed and Steve continued on his way but Natasha stayed put.


Steve paused and turned around.  Natasha gave him a desperate look, the look she uses when she needs Steve to talk to her. But with all the thoughts in her mind, her eyes became watery.

 But with all the thoughts in her mind, her eyes became watery

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"Nat, what's wrong?" Steve asked. He knew that look, he remebered it and even seen it in his dreams before.

"You don't talk to me much. Not anymore and it hurts." Natasha cried out when the tears started to fall. Steve becoming even more hurt at the fact that whatever he does, he always ends up hurting Natasha. He looked around, seeing no one near them.

"I don't mean to--"

"I know you don't love me like you used to before, I saw that last night when you were with Sharon." Natasha paused to wipe stupid tears away. "I lied to everyone that night, saying I was fine when I really wasn't. My heart shattered but I had to stay strong for our son!"

Steve frowned, trying to hide back his sad emotion. "Natasha..."

"No Steve, let me finish. I will always love you. So in the video you sent me awhile ago, I'll let you go. I'll let you love whoever you want to love, I'll let you grow old with whoever you want to grow old with. And I promise you'll get to see your son, whenever you want. But please understand that it hurts me, it kills me that I can't marry you, kiss you, hug you, or even talk to you anymore. And I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass. But I had to let that out." Natasha cried.

Steve looked behind Natasha and saw a janitors closet. Steve couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't play out his plan, he had to be with Natasha. Even though he hurts her either way, seeing her like this, crying in the halls of the Avengers Tower, hurt him the most. So he walked towards Natasha quickly, grabs her arm, and gently pulls her inside the janitors closet.

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