Catching Up

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Gamora finally saw Steve from how he used to be, and she actually liked it. The more she saw and experienced, the more she realized how wrong her life was. So, she shared important information with the Avengers about all the stones, and what it takes to get them. That helped a lot, and helped the Avengers assign the groups to which who would go get them.

Natasha saw a change in Gamora, and has decided to help her switch. From a killer to a saver. That was Natasha's mission, no matter the consequences. Although, Tony ordered Steve and Gamora to stay in their cells until they prove that they've changed.

But Natasha brought Grant to Steve everyday, letting Steve know his son more and more. He even made a bond with Grant, ans boy did that change everything.

"I missed you Steve." Natasha whispered. Steve looked up from his son to his love, amd he was finally happy that he remembered. Natasha Romanoff, the girl that was in his dreams.

"I'm sorry. All I remember is seeing Corwin knock me out and I remember waking up feeling different in a new world. But I never fogot about you." Steve replied. Natasha smiled and hugged Steve gently as he held their son.


Tony watched from his computer screen as he sat in his office. The hidden cameras gave Tony some comfort, letting him know that Steve was still alive and safe. Pepper walked in with their baby girl and frowned.



"He's alive, not a hologram."

"I know, it's just... I don't know. I missed him, I truly did. And damn, what a world without Cap. That was one lonely, boring world." Tony replied as he glanced away from the computer screen to face his wife and kids.

"But you have a family to keep you company." Pepper chuckled, handing Tony their baby girl.

"I only wanted the kid so I can teach her to become Iron Women." Tony joked. Pepper rolled her eyes and held Tony's hand. They both knew what was coming, and everyone knew actually. Thanos will come eventually, looking for his fake children. Amd whe he finds those stones,  he can take everything away and he's a titan.

"Are you prepared?" Pepper asked slowky. Tony kissed Morgan's head and laid her down in his lap, tickling her stomach.

"No, we'll never be prepared. Thanos plans on killing 50% of all living creatures." Tony mumbled.

"I know. These stones though, especially the soul stone, please don't die while saving the world, Ok?"

"Whatever it takes." Tony replied.

"Will you finally be at rest then?" Pepper asked with tears welling up in her eyes. Tony shrugged.

"It'll be more peaceful when I go,  if I go. Who knows, maybe someone else will take the sacrifice. But Dr. Strange said my future is cut short so who knows." Tony frown. Pepper nodded slowly. They both watched Morgan wiggle on her daddy's legs and both daults chuckled.

"She's gonna be just like you." Pepper smiled. Tony nodded his head but then smiled.

"She's gonna look just like you." Tony replied. Pepper laughed and shaked her head slowly.

"Yeah, with brown hair!" Pepper mumbled. Tony rolled his eyes and looked back at the screen, looking at the other growling family the Avengers have.


"Where are your siblings!" Thanos yelled angrily. Nebula flinched but she couldn't stay quiet no more. She's been spying on Gamora and Steve for the last week, and she herself confirmed them traitors to this family.

"They're on Earth father. I'm sorry father, they're not with us anymore." Nubula informed her angered father. He paced in front of his throne but he couldn't stay mad, he lived his children. He loved his son and his daughter.

"What do you mean?" Thanos questioned the young blue girl that was half machine.

"They're not working for us anymore. Steve remebered his past life amd Gamora is turning into a good guy?" Nebula secretly questioned herself, is that what the humans really call it? She didn't know or cared. Thanos sighed and snapped his fingers. Two prisnors carried a gauntlet over and Thanos slipped it on his hand.

"Earth has taken my kids, I shall take half of it's people. My plan is in motion." Thanos growled. Carrol, was disguised as prisoner and listened to Thanos as she walked away She had to get this information out to Fury amd fast.

Once no one could see her, she knocked out the other prisoner and broke a window. She flew put to space and landed on a planet near Earth, sending out the message to Fury.

Fury sat at his desk, thinking about the Avengers and the return of the dead, Captain America. He was about to head home after doing nothing at work today until he got a message from Carrol Danvers herself. Carrol hologramed called Fury, and she cleared her throat.

"Director Fury?" Carrol asked. Fury looked at the girl he's known a long time.

"Yes?" Fury asked. He wasn't too sure it was enough bad news to tell.

"Thanos is hunting down the stones again, time to bring him in." Carrol smiled as she slightly smiled.

"Wait on that order." Fury denied Carrol's suggestion to bring them in. Carrol gave Fury a weird, confused look. Fury saw that amd decided he needed to explain his reasonings. "If Thanos comes here, we'll know his weaknesses and his strengths. The Avengers will take care if him, as if now, provide us information about Thanos."

Carrol didn't say anything in return, but she gave a simple nod of her head and turned off the hologram.

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