The News

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The jet landed and the first thing Clint did was take Gamora to a luxury cell. Basically a room with a bed, kitchen, bathroom, and t.v. but there is a locked door. Steve met up with Thor and the two unloaded the jet. Fury and Agent Hill walked straight to the meeting room. Natasha and Pepper went straight to the lounge to deal with the screaming babies.

Everyone was tired but the saddest news would come up later in the day across the world.

While In Wakanda

"Almost done brother." Shiri smiled as she playfully shoved her older bother away. Vision held Wanda hand tightly as Dr. Strange walked in.

"I'm here T'Challa." Strange said. Vision and Wanda were thrown off, startled by the appearance of Doctor Steven Strange.

"Welcome to Wakanda. I here you gottem my message?" T'Challa asked. Dr. Strange nodded and looked around Shiri's lab. He looked impressed by the technology here.

"Thank You, the portal coordinates were a little off but that's OK. I talkes to Stark and he's confirmed the mission." Dr. Stange smiled and T'Challa nodded.  Shiri tappes Vision's head and signalled him to lie down on a bed. Wanda wasn't prepared for this but she knew this had to be done.

"When we extract the stone from Vision's head, very little left of him will remain. It'll be like Vision being brainwashed but only 50% brainwashed. He also woyld probably lose his powers." Shiri informed everyone. Wanda amd everyone else did not react, they didn't want to stress out Vision.

Shiri was about to turn on the tablet to control the machines when suddenly a loud boom was heard. T'Challa wuickly activated his suit and Dr. Strange held up his small circular shields. Wanda gotten in her fighting stance, ready for whatever was coming. Though everyone was fooled when Captain Marvel turned the corner and smirked.

"Hey boys." She smiled.

"It's not kind if you to do that." Shiri frowned. Carrol shrugged and looked at the two males. T'Challa and Dr. Strange.

"I tried guys, Fury wouldn't listen." Cartol forwned. Dr. Strange rubbed his head and looked at T'Challa who just stood there, taking in all of the information.

 Strange rubbed his head and looked at T'Challa who just stood there, taking in all of the information

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"Who is he sending to get the soul stone?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Captain America and Black Window, the two love birds with a son!" Carrol grunted. She was mad and sad, who can Fury do that. He doesn't even know the consequence. And Carrol tried to tell him.

"He can't send them, not if they have a kid together." T'Challa added. Wanda and Vision listened catefully.

"What are you guys talking about?" Wanda asked. Carrol wasn't hesitant to let them know.

"To get the soul stone, Steve or Natasha will have to be willing to give up their life. Meaning one soul or another." Carrol explained. Wanda eyes went wide and knowing thise two, they'd fight each other to take the sacrifice.

"Which is why Fury can't send thise two because they have a son." Dr. Strange added. T'Challa walked forward and looked out into the Bibranium mining field.

"I'll do it, I'll sacrifice myself for the soul stone." T'Challa whispered. Everyone stood silently until Visin shook his head.

"No, I'll do it." Vision smiled to keep Wanda from freaking out.

"No!" Wanda yelled, clearly letting Vision know he can't do that.

"Yes, let me. Once you take my stone away, I'll be nothing. So let me do it." Vision demanded. Wanda couldn't do anything unless shake her head. The three heroes, Captain Marvel, T'Challa, and Dr. Strange realized that they have a plan and they needed to inform Tony Stark.

Back at the Head Quarters

Natasha pulled out her gun and aimed at the targets. She shot at them with a firm face, showing nothing but determination.

Steve was punching at a punching bag, sweat deipped down from his forehead and he grunted every time a punching bag exploded open

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Steve was punching at a punching bag, sweat deipped down from his forehead and he grunted every time a punching bag exploded open.

Both training for a missiom that'll take off in two days. Both were nervous because they wanted to know why Gamora and Carrol acted so sad by the conflict surrounding the soul stone.

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