Avengers Unite Part 2

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T'Challa was getting attacked from all directions that he used his suites special features to get the muppets away. He expanded his arms out, reusing the energy that built up in his suit. He then found himself running over to help Groof and Rocket out and they were glad. T'Challa cut a muppets throat using his claws. He helped clear out some muppets to givebthe racoon a break. Although, Groot didn't like taking breaks so he continued to fight.

"Are you gonna fight him?" Scott asked still in the ant sized area during this huge fight.

"Yes!" Steve yelled as he was kicked down. Scott screamed as he hung on to Steve.

"Didn't you... fail last time?" Scott asked. Steve sighed as he looked down at his shoulder.

"Yes but I still got to try." Steve ducked under a swing from a muppet. He threw his shield that bounced off Corvus Glaive that hit Corwin right in the face.

"Oh ok... I gotta plan. Flick me towards him." Scott said. Steve flicked Scott towards Corwin. He extended his little arm out and aimed at Cowin's throat. Scott's fist collided with Corwin throat, which startled him and he flew back. Scott returned back to normal size.

Steve walked towards Corwin, slowly as he resituated his shield. Corwin laughed and kick Scott away but Scott became ant sized again and hopped his way over to Rocket and Groot, who were destroying oncoming muppets.

Natasha, a few yards away, looked over at Steve as he met Corwin in the middle of his walk.

"Steve No!" She yelled, afraid that he might actuallu die this time. Tony landed and wrapped his arms around Natasha, stopping her from trying to stop Steve.

Steve heard her but acked as if he didn't. Corwin suddenly folded his arms and smirked at the Captain.

"You're all shield and no skill, give away the shield... who are you?" Corwin asked. Steve dropped his shield and gave Corwin a nasty smirk.

"A kid from Brooklyn." Steve threw the first punch. Landing right on the nose. Natasha and Tony stopped fighting and looked at Steve, hope building up as Steve took charge.

Corwin fell back as Steve grabbed Corwins suit. He head butted Corwin but Corwin returned the favor and did back. Karma is real. Steve flipped backwards, buying himself some time before Corwin reached him. Corwin ran at Steve again but Steve to the side while grabbing a pipe from some of the debris from the Head Quarters.  He turned around and whacked Corwin in the face, leaving the first drop of blood on Cowin's face. For the first time, Steve had faith that he could finally beat Corwin. He leaned forward a bit, Steve's head resting on Corwin's chest. Right, left, righ, left, Steve punched the lower area. Steve rammed Corwin into the concrete wall. Corwin grunted as he tried to shove Steve away but Steve was determined to stay and finish him off.

Eventually, Corwin picked up Steve and tossed him a few feet away. Steve landed on his side, probably cracking a few ribs. But that didn't bother Steve. He looked to the side to see a sharp piece of metal and he grabbed it. Corwin walked up to Steve and smirked.

"You tried." He laughed and he was about to stab Steve but Steve was quicker, just like Natasha on Vormir, Steve gripped the metal scrap tightly and jabbed it into Corwin's stomach before his knife impales Steve.

Steve jumped to his feet and felt relieved. He looked around but he frowned. These aliens he called family were dying, it kinda almost broke Steve's heart in a way it never has before. Why? He's never had siblings to look up to. Proxima Midnight saved Steve in a battle before, Black Dwarf always had his back, Corvus Glaive always gave advice, Ebony Maw teached him the ways of Thanos, Nebula taught him to fight better, and Gamora helped him realize that he always had a friend.

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