19 | Hit Lists & Undercover Detectives

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"I'm really sorry it had to come down to this," Jimin said, pointing his gun at Hoseok's head. "But two million is a lot of money."

"Shoot me! I'm worth five!" Jungkook protested from the holding cell, looking mildly offended.

"That gun is not loaded," Hoseok said calmly while looking at the list. "And I think I have a lead for you too."

"What's the lead?" Jin asked, looking over Hoseok's shoulder.

"These are all people who see Mr. Bang for therapy..." Hoseok mumbled.

Jimin scoffed. "I'm gonna need therapy after this."

"'I'm gonna need therapy after this'—name of Jimin's sex tape," Jungkook announced from the cell.


"So you two have a plan, correct?" Namjoon asked as his two officers sat across from the desk in his office.

"We're going to use Hoseok as bait and pretend we killed him to lure in Mr. Bang," Jin said.

Hoseok looked uneasy. "Why don't we use Jungkook? He has more value than me."

"Captain, I'm going to stay with Hoseok in the alley nearby and Jin will be undercover nearby," Jimin explained. He looked over at Hoseok. "You'll be in good hands," he said with an amused look in his eyes.

"Mr. Bang requests visual confirmation so we'll say that we can't give him any," Jin said. "To prove Hoseok's dead, he'll have to come to us."

"God save me," Hoseok mumbled.

"I'll join you, Officer Kim," Namjoon stated. He whistled and called over his dog. "Monie and I will make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Where the fuck did that dog come from?" Hoseok mumbled, looking behind him.

"Make Daddy proud," Namjoon cooed, rubbing behind the dog's ears.

Jin saluted. "Yes, Captain."

"I could not have been more clearly talking to the dog," Namjoon said.


"I need to come up with a false identity," Jimin said, clasping his hands together in thought. "My name is Alexander. I'm German and I speak fluent English and French."

Jin looked at his Korean friend. "No."

"Okay, fine. I'm Justin and I'm half-American, half-Korean," Jimin said. "I work as a student teacher at a local high school and it doesn't pay enough so I've resorted to being an assassin."

"Understandable," Jin said. "My name is Wooyoung. I immigrated from Korea and have mastered the art of pottery. I have an STD."

Jimin squinted at him. "You're not even the one going undercover," he said. "Why do you have an STD?"


"Stab, stab," Jimin said as he leaned over Hoseok's body, making stabbing motions with his hand.

Hoseok squinted to open one eye. "Cut it out," he grumbled.

"This is just amusing to me," he said and shook his head. "I'll shut up."

Jimin was dressed in tattered jeans and flannel, trying to disguise as a civilian and not a police officer. He had never met the therapist so he was hoping his cover wouldn't be blown.

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