Hamilton friendship fluff: Eliza x fem!reader

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1780, A Winter's Ball

Skirts twirled around the room as women danced, dipping and spinning every few minutes. The music was loud and joyful, and the room was filled with energy.

Y/N stood beside Eliza, who was in the doorway. The two watched as the room collectively turned to look as Eliza's older sister Angelica walked in, looking as beautiful as ever. As she tore her eyes away from Angelica, Y/N noticed a young man on the other side of the room, talking to General Washington. She didn't recognize him.

"'Liza, who is that?" Y/N asks, nudging the other girl. Eliza turns to follow Y/N's gaze and flushes bright red when she sees him.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." She says confidently, and she began to make her way through the throng of dancers. Y/N follows her as Eliza reaches Angelica.

"Angelica, who is the man speaking with General Washington?" Eliza questions, the blush not fading from her face.

"They call him Washington's right hand man," Angelica replies, a smile gracing her features. Why do you ask?"

"Because he's going to be mine, just you wait." She states. Y/N giggles at the bold statement. Angelica raises a delicate eyebrow as a mischievous look crosses her face.

"I'll be back, excuse me." Angelica says  making her way towards Washington. Y/N turns to Eliza, the confusion she feels is mirrored on Eliza's face.

"What's she gone to do?" She wonders. Y/N doesn't respond.

The two women watch as Angelica and Washington's right hand talk and dance together. Eliza shifts awkwardly as the man kisses the eldest Schuyler's hand.

Angelica makes her way back to the girls, the young dark haired man in tow. Once they reach Eliza and Y/N, Y/N can see the man clearly.

He is handsome and she can see a sparkle in his eye. Taking in the rest of his frame she can see he is lean from lack of food, and she feels a twinge of sadness for the man.

"Elizabeth Schuyler, it's a pleasure to meet you." Eliza introduces herself with a curtsey, and the man smiles.

"Schuyler?" He asks, turning to Angelica, who smiles proudly.

"My sister."

"Thank you for all your service." Eliza smiles at the man. Y/N watches the two in silence, her eyes flicking towards Angelica occassionally.

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it."

Angelica laughs, placing her hand lightly on Eliza's arm.

"I'll leave you to it." She says, reaching for Y/N's arm and tugging her away. Y/N catches the look on Eliza's face as they leave.

She is helpless.

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