Barry Allen (Justice League) and the other members

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Contains spoilers for Justice League (2017)

Arthur, Diana, Bruce, Barry and Victor went down in the elevator, and Barry was looking around in wonder. When they got into the room, he was even more amazed.

"Wow, it's like a cave." he said out loud. He ran across the room. "Like a Batcave." 

Barry ran around the Batcave, his eyes unable to believe what he was seeing. He knew Bruce Wayne was rich, the man had even said it himself, but hearing it and seeing it were two different thing. It made sense why the orphaned vigilante was so good at his job, as well as having the fighting skills.

Barry on the other hand? He didn't fight. He knew that the other members were probably used to it, but all he usually did was push a few people and run away. He wasn't sure what else he would be useful for, but he needed friends so there he was. The earlier fight with SteppenWolf had actually gone quite well considering, but what if he screwed up any of the other missions.

"Barry." Bruce called, and Barry ran back towards the group. Bruce and the others started talking about their latest mission, and Barry occasionally chipped in, but mainly spent the time processing what they were going to do. Revive Superman? There were two ways that could go, and Barry wasn't so sure that Superman would be happy to see Bruce Wayne. He had read through everyone's files, and Wonder Woman and Batman were both there the night Superman died, and Batman and Superman had been fighting earlier on in the night before fighting the weird and extremely huge monster after, and they worked together on that one.

But he'd also get to actually meet Superman, so it was a win-win for Barry. Unless something went wrong.

They went to the place where Lex Luthor had created the huge monster, and Barry shivered. He had a bad feeling about this, but then so did everyone, so he ignored it.


He should have listened to his gut. Superman had been resurrected alright, but he wasn't the Superman the world had seen before. He tried to kill them, and Victor had set him off when he accidentally and unwillingly fired at Superman. Barry wasn't sure what was going on, but both of them had been brought back to life by the mother box, and they seemed to be rejecting each other's waves or something.

Anyway, Superman was strong. Really strong. Even against Diana and Arthur, he was able to defeat them both pretty easily, the two of them in his grip, and Barry started to panic before doing the only thing he could do.


It was going pretty great at first, just being faster than everyone else. And then Superman threw them and watched Barry out of the corner of his eye. And, oh my God—Superman was watching him. And then he started following him. Superman was following him. The fastest man alive. It happened so slowly in his vision, and it scared him. They seemed to be going at the same speed, and Barry was just barely avoiding the Kryptonian. 

And then he tripped over and crashed straight into a wall.


So not only did Superman have to be almost as fast as him, he also had to crash into a wall. 

Just his luck.

And then Bru—Batman appeared. And Superman seemed to recognise him, and everything went downhill from there. Superman almost killed Bruce, but a red haired woman stepped out of a cab.


It was the reporter lady, Lois Lane, if he remembered correctly. And suddenly Superman knew who he was, and as Lois was hugging him he shot up into the sky.

And that is what happens when you bring Superman back from the dead. He tries to kill everyone, moves almost as fast as the fastest man alive, almost kills the Batman, and then remembers who he is when the love of his life appears.


And they still didn't know if he was going to help them fight SteppenWolf.

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