It's All Fun and Games...

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"Park Place again!" Matt cried out victoriously as Ian reluctantly moved his dog token forward. "You must really enjoy paying me fifteen hundred dollars!" 

"Yeah, yeah, hold your horses." Ian grumbled as Matt eagerly stuck his hand out for his rent money. "You know, you really are a shrewd businessman for somebody who enjoys the more simple things in life."

Kevin and Amanda both laughed, making Matt look at them confused. "What's so funny? I like all kinds of things, not just the simple ones!" He looked down at his robe and smiled before looking back up to Ian, who was mortgaging properties and selling his houses. "You know, I think we can work something out between the two of us!" He said in a sly tone. "You made me this fantastic robe, and I really, really like it. So I am going to let you stay rent-free on park place from now on!" Kevin let out a small groan, and Amanda looked over to him speaking in a low tone.

"Does he always play like this?" 

"He just wants to keep playing, that's all." Kevin replied with a tired grin. 

A soft sigh escaped Amanda's lips. "I know we said we would play game, but this isn't game anymore. We both lost hours ago. He just keeps giving free rent." Ian looked over to her with an apologetic face as Matt reached for the dice.

"You know hun, you don't need to stay. If you need to get back to the dorm to get your paper done that's totally fine. I can finish up here and head back over when it's finished." He paused for a moment, observing the board. Matt had hotels on almost every property, and Ian had only a few measly spaces between large stunts of monopolies. "Which may be sooner than you think."

Kevin let out a smirk as he stood up. "Good luck with that, this could go on for another few hours if you let it." He started towards the kitchen and went for the fridge. "Does anybody want something to drink?" He offered as the three looked over to him. 

"No thank you," Ian replied as he returned his gaze towards the tokens on the board.

"No," Amanda stated in a casual voice. 

"Yes please!" Matt called out, "Do we have any juice left?" 

"I think we ran out, but I can go to the store real quick and get some if you want?" Kevin offered as he checked the fridge.

"Okay!" Matt answered as Kevin shut the door. "Can you make sure to get the cranberry juice mixed with the raspberry this time please? I don't like the apple mix one."

"Sure thing sweety." Kevin replied while heading for the door. He leaned over when he was above Matt and quickly kissed the top of his head. "I'll be back soon. Don't let Ian beat you while I'm gone!" 

A giggle erupted from Matt as he looked up at Kevin. "I won't, I promise!" He turned his gaze back to Ian, his grin remaining. "Your turn!"  A sudden knock at the door surprised him, turning his attention back up towards the door. "Who could that be?" 

"I don't know Maddy, let's find out!" Kevin replied while looking through the peephole. His grin faded immediately, and a sigh escaped his lips. "It's them..." He said, sending shivers down Matt's spine. "Do you want to go see a movie with me Maddy? We can take the back window and-"

"No," Matt spoke up, interrupting Kevin. "I think it's time I finally talk to them."

"Are you sure Maddy? Making up with Ian is one thing, but this is the guy who-"

"I know what he did." Matt interrupted again, this time a quiver of fear in his voice. "I need to talk to them sometime, even if I don't want to. Who knows they might just want to say goodbye." Matt stood up and opened the door, exposing his parents to the bright light of the dorm. 

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