Matt's Crush

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Matt slammed the door behind him, angry and scared as he stormed off down the dorm hall. Why do they always have to fight? I don't get it! Why can't they just be friends again? He slows as he notices all the doorways for the dorm, each with their own people inside. Are they really going to split and go to different dorm's? I don't want to be alone... He feels his heart ache, and he sits down curling up his back against a door. Lowering his head to his legs and crossing his feet.

A large teardrop fled from his cheek, landing on his jeans before soaking into the fabric. Only then did he register that he was crying. How come everybody leaves me? First dad then momma, now I'm going to lose my two best friends! His tears start to fall faster, dripping onto his leg and being absorbed by his pants. His nose begins to run, and he can't help but sniffle before he began whimpering.

The door behind him suddenly opens, and Matt falls backwards landing on a pair of legs behind him. The voice above those legs spoke up, and was laced with concern. "Hey... Are you umm ok? I heard crying and I thought maybe somebody was hurt."

"I'm ok..." Matt whimpered, sitting up and putting his head back onto his knees.

"It doesn't look like it..." The voice replied in a sympathetic tone. "Do you wanna come in and talk about it?"

Matt sniffled and looked up at the voice tipping his head up. Tears that had been falling had reversed with his head, and filled his eyes, blurring the man in his gaze. "I'm not really supposed to talk to strangers." Matt replied still not moving away from the floor.

"Well normally that rule is for little kids who don't know any better..." The man continued, his voice emphasizing his concern. "Look I can't in good conscience leave you out here to cry. My name is Ian, see now we're not strangers anymore..."

Matt's tears rolled up over his eyes and started up his forehead as he began to focus on the man. He had blue hair that was fading slightly, his true blond hair poking through near the roots. His eyes were hazel, and his nose was slightly crooked. His body was thin and not really noticeable through his baggy black shirt that hung to his knees, and faded gray pair of sweatpants that clung to his legs. Matt was mesmerized with him and he couldn't help but stare. "You look very pretty Ian..." He paused, staring at the bend in his nose. "What happened to your nose? Did you get in a fight?"

"You know most people reply with their own names when being introduced." Ian said with a half hearted chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Matt mumbled disheartened, "You just look really nice, and I've never met somebody with blue hair before..."

"Hey don't worry about it buddy. How about you tell me your name?" Ian coaxed further.

"I'm Matt. Does your hair naturally come out blue?" Matt asked, still focusing on Ian continuing to keep his head tipped up. His tears angling towards his temples as he looked at Ian.

Ian looked at him for a second before letting out a small laugh. "You're a strange guy aren't you Matt..."

"Sorry..." Matt replied in a sad tone, as he looked back down at the ground depressed.

"Don't be sorry, I like odd. It's... Nice." Ian interjected, "Hey, do you wanna come in and tell me why you were crying? You look like you could use somewhere to decompress for a while."

Matt looked at him for a moment concerned. "Promise you aren't trying to kidnap me? I won't go down easy if you try anything!"

Bursting into laughter that echoed down the halls like a rock on ice Ian clapped his hands together trying to regain his composure. "I promise Matt, I will not try and kidnap you. I'll leave the door unlocked so you can leave whenever you want!" He watched as Matt began to smile then twisted himself around before stumbling to his feet. "Hey Matt, do you spend much time with other people?"

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