Chapter 26

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Lillie POV

So much have happened over the last couple of days; Ella and Lizzie are extremely happy for me and Lucas as I'm moving in with him and I still get to see them often. El lives down the road from us and she is absolutely thrilled for Lucas and me.

Between Lucas, Lizzie and Ella, they are working behind my back, planning my birthday party. I asked them very politely not to make a big deal out of it, but they don't really care what my requests are. 22 years old is still a very young age but my life is finally starting now. I carry my dreams in my own hands and I can't wait to make them all come true. With Lucas and my family on my side, how can I go wrong?

Elliot and Hailey on the other hand don't have a bright future ahead of themselves. The only light they will see for the rest of their lives would be in jail. Everything that Lucas told me will happen, happened, however I made the call to split my father's trust into 50/50. 50% came to me and the other 50% I signed off to Ella. She and my father shared something so incredible, it will forever be treasured. All my father's sentimental values came to me and Ella. Old antiques and several items of high value came to us so that we can hold onto his memory until we meet each other again one day.

"Come come come Lillie! It's time!! We have to go now or else we're going to be late!" El shouts from Lucas's living room.

"I'm almost done Ma!" I recall back as I walk my way to the living room.

Ella and Lucas are both standing there in astonishment of me. Is there something on my face?

I turn around to see if they are looking at something else as both their mouths hang open.

"What's wrong?" I ask them as no one is behind me and they both seem to be in shock, just staring at me.

Lucas walks up to me and says "You are the most beautiful girl in this world Lillie" he lets out a breath that he was holding in.

"Yes you are honey, you look magically incredible!" El adds

"Thank you, I wasn't really trying too hard...It must be the dress!" I say with blushing red cheeks

"Nope, it's definitely you" they both say at the same time

"You too are looking incredible yourselves" I quickly shift the compliments to them as they are making me blush too much.

"Is Lizzie here yet?" I ask

"No honey, you know Lizzie... She will meet us there" Ella confirms

"Okay, well I'm super excited for this Birthday surprise. Let's go!" I say very eager to see what they planned for me.

We drive far for the party but we have a designated driver, Johan, a friend of Lucas' who will be driving us to the venue and back home just for tonight. Just in case we drink a little too much, after all it is my Birthday party.


We arrive at the restaurant and I didn't expect anything less. It is beautiful! There are lights covering all around the restaurant and the entire place is massive. It looks like a restaurant with lodges and entertainment everywhere you look.

We meet Lizzie there and we all get seated at a table reserved for us.

After our starters we were given palate cleanser sorbet before we get to our main course, just so all the necessary taste buds gets triggered.

The conversations flow between Lizzie, Johan and Jayden. Lizzie's pregnant stomach has grown so much and soon to be there will be a stunning wedding and a beautiful baby boy on its way. While talking to them I spot Ella and Lucas in a deep conversation themselves. Soon the main course arrived and the presentation of the food looks amazing. I hope it tastes just as good.

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