Chapter 19

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Tonight I won't go out of my way to overdress for my date with Lucas. I don't want him to get the wrong idea and have Lucas thinking that I'm trying to seduce him. No matter how hard it is to resist him, I will still look sexy but nothing over the top. I decide to go for a plain white top tucked into skinny jeans and plain black heels. Adding some curls into my long blond locks, I grab my purse and cellphone and I'm ready to go.

"El, Lucas will be here any minute now so don't wait up for me okay?" I say in a loud tone as I'm walking around looking for her but finally find her neatly seated in front of the television.

"Okay Darling. Be safe and enjoy yourself" she says just turning her head around to face me.

The doorbell rings and I look at my watch, Lucas is right on time. It's exactly six o'clock.

"I love you" she adds before I continue to the front door.

"Love you too" I blow a kiss in her direction

As I swing the door open Lucas is standing there in a white golf shirt with a brown leather jacket with black denims. I don't know how he manages to pull off anything to wear and still look really good in it.

"Hello gorgeous, ready to go?" was the first thing that leaves his gorgeous lips

"Hi, yes I'm ready" I say back to him closing the front door behind me.

The walk to his house is quick and on the way he confirmed that the dish he's making is a surprise specialty. Excitement rushes through my body, but trying to get the dish out of him is the tricky part.

"No matter what you try to guess anyway, you will never guess correctly Lillie" he says in a humorous tone

"And what if I do something..? Would you tell me then?" I say too confidently and this makes me blush as the words leave my mouth

"You are insanely cute when you flirt with me Liliana Gagnon" Lucas says with his eyes sealed on mine

Nobody calls me by my full name, but I love the way Lucas says it. The way my palms sweat and my pulse pounds when I'm around him. The butterflies in my stomach is going wild, it's like diarrhea for my heart. I can admit to myself that I'm in love with him, crazy in love with him.

As we enter the house, he finally confirms:

"So I'll be making an Italian dish for us tonight, you can just observe so take a seat beautiful lady...

Chicken Cacciatore coming up" Lucas says to me as I'm taking a seat.

"My father is Italian but my mother is Canadian so I have a little Italian blood running through my veins... he continues

...This was also my father's specialty when I was younger, but when I tried to make this myself, I could never get the ingredients right. I profoundly refused to tell me how to make the dish until one day, he made it but instead of asking him again, I spied on him. I was very lucky not to get caught, but moral of the story, I finally knew how to make it myself" he says laughingly to me.

"That's a nice story" I say laughing with him

"You know, I'm very observant when it comes to cooking so I might spy on you now and take the recipe home with me tonight" I say jokingly

"You can try...but you won't get it right the first time" he responds and continues cooking

The food already smells delicious and hardly started with it.

"Wine?" he asks holding a bottle in his hand

"That would be lovely, thank you"

He pours each of us a glass of wine while we talk about his family and little bits and pieces from his life

As he continues to talk, I realize that tonight is the the first time he opens up about his life to me. His own decision to open up about his parents' divorce and the effect it had on him as an only child. We can relate so much except for the fact that my mother is and was a horrible person and he is very close with his.

In a moment of silence after he's been doing all the talking, I get the idea he is waiting for me to tell him something about my life too.

"Our lives have many similarities when it comes to being the only child and parents separating but El have been my mother since I was six years old, so I never knew my own birth mother..." is all I say until he started asking questions.

Instantly my wine glass drops to empty and I try to change the subject but he lingers back to the same topic

"You can tell me only if you are comfortable in doing so Lillie, you know that right?"

"Off course..." I continue and he fills my glass with more wine

Taking another sip, I can already feel a slight buzz from the glass I already finished and this makes my words come out more comfortably. I continue by telling him about Hailey who pitched up that night at his house, that this was the first time I saw my own birth mother.

"I can understand now why you were so upset when I walked you home that night..." he says as if this matter was worrying him this whole time.

He lets me continue my story but I don't go into all the details as this is not something I like talking about. I told him that my own mother didn't want me and El took me in as her own. And that there's so much that happened but I only found out recently from El as she kept this information from me my entire life.

"That must have been very upsetting to you, I can just imagine" he adds

"Life goes on...I haven't seen or heard from Hailey again, but El is convinced that she's back for a reason. I hope she can just go back to where she came from because she's erupting all our lives"

Very interested in what I'm telling him, he just nods and listens to my story while he's busy preparing the food.

"If I may ask Lillie, how does Elliot know Hailey?" Good question

"That's a great question, Elliot also started going AWOL but to answer the question, I have no idea" I answer him honestly.

Finally he puts some music for us to listen to whilst waiting for the food. I feel very welcome and comfortable in his house. The food is almost ready and he starts to dish the table for two.

By the time he starts dishing up I jokingly confirmed that I know the recipe as I also stole with my eyes, but he just laughed it off.

Finally the food is ready and we start to eat. I've never had this dish before and it triggers all the taste buds in your mouth. Astonishingly delicious.

After we ate we went to his living room and in deep conversation he offered more wine and went back to the kitchen.

I hear a wine bottle pop and realized that we finished one bottle already over dinner and we are having another one. I feel tipsy but still fine, I'm really enjoying Lucas's company.

He returns with two glasses and a very sexy look on his face. He's purposely seducing me and I have to admit to myself that I like it.

He has a super sexy body, but his personality is what's attracting me most.

I realize in a second how I'm visualizing what his body looks like without that shirt on. That slightly long curly hair and insanely cute smile on his face.. I think about the times we kissed.. my body feels hot just by the thought of it and I don't think it's the wine talking.


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