Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Kara's POV

We are standing in the middle of the ballroom. The same ballroom we are using on Saturday. The ballroom filled with flowers, tables, portraits of old rulers, and three thrones against the wall. How we could ever use this room as practice I have to idea.

"Mom, are you sure?"

"Of course, for thousands of years our ancestors used this marble circle for their lightning rituals. We must always use this spot." My mother informs me. We sit down on the marble designed circle, the only circle/design on the white floor. "First, stick your hand out like this." Putting my hand out, Palm facing the ceiling; I await mother's next instruction.

"Now, just concentrate on the electricity flowing through you. Focus on your heart beat." Slowly I clear my thoughts to where only the 'thump, thump' of my heart are left. "Close your eyes." I follow my orders waiting.

Until a surge of electricity comes bursting out my palm, I can't see but feel the pulse of electricity leave my body. I focus more and more, even sticking out my other hand, feeling both palms ignite with lightning. I finally open my eyes, seeing the flashes of white light leave my palms.

Suddenly, the Lightning stops, my heart beat has quickened, breathing strong and fast. "I did it." I whisper to my mother. "My head, it doesn't hurt."

"That is excellent," my mom has the biggest and brightest smile on her face happy with what she just saw. I close my hands around my palms, feeling the heat of the strikes. Opening my hands, I see the outline of where the Lightning left my palms. Both palms darken and black almost like bruises. "Honey will take the burn marks away." We both leave for the kitchen in hunt for homemade honey.


"Not too much, mom." I call out cupping my hands for the large amount of honey.

"Now, act like you are washing your hands over the sink." My mother orders. I walk to the sink, humming my ABC's, Greta taught that singing your ABC's tell you how long you wash your hands. Slowly I work the honey into my palms and out to my finger tips that were pretty bruised. "Cold water." I turn on the facet letting the cold water rush out onto my hands, really easing the heat and bruises out of my palms.

Mother hands me a towel to wipe off with. Holding my hands out, I notice my palms completely cleared, back to normal as if no Lightning had just came out of them. "Nice Lightning show, bub, I sure the whole city saw the beautiful strikes." My father announces into the room, instantly I go back to wiping my hands off as if I have something to hide.

"My headache is gone." I finally notice that the pressure from earlier is completely gone.

"That's why I tried to get out of my meeting earlier, because we didn't practice yesterday during full moon. So I knew today you would be feeling ye pressures of being a Royal." My mother informs me. Lightly placing the towel on the counter, I excuse myself to my room for a shower and change of clothes.


"Feel better?" Lily asks me through laughs as I fix my turquoise fringe bikini top under my dark grey loose tank top.

"Of course, you better change though. We are going out." I throw a nearby shirt at her. Prompting for her to change out of her disgusting pencil skirt and blouse for some shorts and bikini top. "We are going to sneak out and go swimming."

"Are you absorbed? You are the princess, you can't just sneak out. And I can't help you for I could be in some serious trouble."

"Come on, lily. I just want a moment to be a regular teenage girl not a princess. Besides we will hide ourselves." I wrap my arms around Lily's shoulder, shaking the living out of her. "What happened to my crazy best friend? Why happened to the true Lillianna Sage?"

"Fine," Lily pushes me off of her and heads to my bathroom. Where I am guessing she will change.

"You better hurry," I sing out going over to my vanity to work my hair. Deciding on just running my fingers through it, placing my black leather banded floppy hat to complete my boho look.

"How do I look?" Lily steps out of my bathroom, looking amazing. With a light grey loose tank top hanging off her body with a pair of my shorty shorts. Her Aztec pattern bikini top and brown gladiator sandals pull the whole thing together.

"Freaking amazing!" I call out pulling my turquoise colored gladiator sandals on.

"Phones? Extra clothes? A little bit of money?" Lily checks the backpack I have packed for our swimming trip. "This sounds like we are running away."

"We are, Lil. Just if something happens I like to be prepared." I explain to her.

"Whatever, let's go and get this over with." Lily says putting on my old pink beanie on her head.


"See I told you that would be easy." Luckily, we have barely made it through the front gate guard, but we pass as extremely well servants. Now we are walking down the road that leads to the water roads of our city. Much like the water city in Italy, our city also has excellent travels in the boating rather than cars. "Today we are taking a boat to a cove where the public beach is." I inform Lily intertwining our arms together.

"You have been planning this type of thing for weeks, haven't you?"

I just roll my eyes and avoid making eye contact with her. "I haven't been planning this for weeks more like an hour. Let's just say I can get a lot of Internet research time in the shower." It's not my fault that the shower is so big that you can hold your phone out and still take an excellent shower.

"Karolina Rose Marie Xavier!" Lily calls out in anger. I quickly shush her, explaining that since we are technically in the city and off Royal grounds, that saying my name is extremely dangerous especially since we have no guards with us. "I'm sorry." Of course, I quickly forgive my partner in crime. We eventually try to find the address where supposedly the boat, I rented, is.

"Did you at least get the captain rented, too? We don't know how to drive a car let alone a boat."

"Of course, I rented the boat with a crew. What kind of fool do you mistake me as?" I sarcastically tell my friend. "There it is." Pointing to the other side of the street, where a small white boat awaits.

We both take off running through the streets, where people gather, sells, talking or celebrating life. It's quite weird to be kind of in the middle of it, when since I have been on this planet. I haven't been able to experience anything. "Oh my." I whisper in shock when I see our captain help Lily onto the boat.

"You." We both say in unison. The boy from the press conference, I have finally found him.

"You're the captain?" I ask taking his hand, ignore the shocks that seem the explore our hands.

"No, this is my father's boat. He will be here soon. He will be the captain today." The mystery boy informs me.

"What is your name?"

"Christopher-James Kingsley. Your highness, can call me Chris or CJ, for those are my nicknames."

"Please don't call me your highness, princess, Karolina, or anything Royal today. I am just Kara." I smile at him before taking my seat next to Lily. The speed boat in beautiful. With enough seating for my family, Lily's, and Christopher's.

"Welcome aboard ladies." A too much of a familiar voice announces stepping onto the boat. Mr Charles Kingsley. Why didn't I piece the picture together earlier when Christopher introduced himself? Dang it, I'm crushing on my Royal press advisor's son.

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