Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Kara POV

"I introduce to you, Karolina Rose Marie Xavier, Princess of Planet X." I hear mr. Hills' voice through the French doors where I am separated from the reports. I nod at my guards, who open both door for me.

Slowly I make my way up the stairs onto the tiny stage, where a table and chair are set up. It's a good thing that the table's cover that bears the Planet's flag in on the edge of the table blocking my legs from their view.

"Hello everyone." I greet the press. Everyone then greet me back, before hands strike the air like eager school children. "Yes?" I point at the young girl who is in the front row.

She stands, "Hello Princess Karolina, my name is Nattie Peterson. I am right years old with a life threatening illness. My life long goal has been to meet you, the long lost Princess of Planet X. Thank you for choosing me to ask a question. My question is if you had only hour left in this world, what would you do?" The sweet little girl asks me the sweetest question of all.

"Hello Nattie, it's so nice to meet you. My answer to your question would be to spend it with amazing people like you. People who live everyday like it is their last are very inspirational to me and make me want to stride to be a better person. Now, I want to thank you for making me apart of your life time goal, but my life time goal now is to someday see you become the best person you can be. And for this question I think you deserve a hug." I hold back tears watching the girl stumble her way towards the stage. Instead of making her walk such a great deal. I meet her in front of the stage. Pulling her into a hug a whisper, "Someday I hope you, Nattie Peterson, will change the world. Now, if you ever need anything just remember I am here for you, always an forever,"

"Promise?" Nattie asks. We pull apart with our hands stretched out, I hold out my pinky waiting for hers.

"Pinky promise." I promise her, hugging her once again, I help her to her seat and walk back to the table and chairs for more questioning. "Yes?" I point to the suit cladded middle aged man in the last row.

"Hello Princess, my name is Charles Kingsley from Channel 4 news, my question is not to what your new princess life has brought you but what it hasn't brought yet?"

"Mr. Kingsley, that is a hard question to answer, but to be truthful, it has been love. Many may not know this but I am to take the throne soon, but I want to be in love before being crown Queen of Planet X, therefore I have someone to share my success and failure with like my parents. But nothing has came to me yet." I honestly answer him. He must be picking up on my honesty because he didn't ask me another question so I carried on. "Yes?" I point to a young women a little older than me in the third row.

"Hello Princess, I am Cameron Adams from Teen X magazine, and I was wondering, with being how young you are, why so wanting to quickly fall in love with someone?"

"Well, Miss Adams, you look to be close to the same age as me. So why not want to fall in love? I want to fall in love to show myself I am capable of having a personal relationship. I already know I am capable of loving on a big quantity because I love each and every one of my people in Planet X, and I'm capable of loving in small groups because I love my cousin, Lily, my royal crew, my aunt Greta on Earth, my parents. As for personal relationships, I have no idea how to love, so why not want to fall in love fast?"

"Your highness, as apart of Teen X Magazine for many years, we have never received so much of a straightforward answer as you present. Please, tell us, your idea of rule our planet based on your honesty?" Cameron Adams has a point. How can I rule a planet when I am so straightforward, being so blunt could possibly end me.

"My honesty and bluntness is based on that of... Of... Well living, I plan to help all walks of life in Planet X, because I know what it is like to feel unloved and lonely, until my aunt, Crown Princess Greta Maria Sage, adopted me." I take a breath before continuing, "My role as Princess will not get to my head, I promise you that. I plan to stay my true honesty self through this journey from Princess of Planet X to someday Queen."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your highness," Alexandria's assistant says bowing, "but I am afraid this press conference is going to have to be cut short, for the majesty are to make their way to the Xavier Children's hospital."

I walk off the stage shaking hands with all the reports present, before making my way to my family. "How did I do?" I ask walking down the long corridor behind the safety of our guards.

"You did excellent like always," father says. Lily and Alexandria are too busy in a conversation about tomorrow's schedule. "You and me, Later, a father-daughter date, gelato."

"Sounds excellent," I smile at him. Then I realize I have left my purse back in the conference room. "I left my purse."

"I'll send one of the guards to retrieve it."

"No, it's okay, I'll get it." I say before he could protest I took off as fast as my heels would let me to the conference room.

I don't make it instead I run into a wall, falling down on to my bottom. "Hey, watch it!" Something else calls out. I look up to find a boy a little older than me staring down at me, his grey eyes in rage.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry." I say lifting myself of the ground, standing up before continuing, "You see, I left my purse at the press conference. My father wanted to send a guard to get it but I'm faster and it would be easier for me to get it. But now I have run into you, possibly bruise my bottom. So please accept my forgiven. Oh, I'm also Karolina Xavier, or just Kara for short."

"Wait, your princess Karolina Rose Marie Xavier, Princess of Planet X?" I nod my head, "Princess, I am sorry," the mystery boy bows and I just tell him to stand no room for formals when it's only us.

"I better grab my purse and head back before my father sends the whole royal brigade out for a search," I wave to the boy before brushing past him into the conference room. I grab my purse which is luckily still hidden under the table on stage.

"Princess, I am to tell you we are running late." A guard says jogging into the room.

"Of course," I sigh out. I lead the way down the corridor out to the car which is patently waiting by the back exit.


'Today has not been a bad day. Between the press conference and hospital visit, I have fallen into my many roles as being princess.

Luckily though, Mother is only sending me through Queen Lessons, that way I know how to run a government, write speeches, handle my congress men, and create laws that will better suit my people.

Even though, I have been living here in the main palace in City X, my parents plan to visit the winter castle soon on the other of the planet in the country. That way I can meet different people of different back grounds.

Tomorrow, I have my dress fitting for the ball at the end of the week. Also tomorrow night is the first full moon, meaning that I will finally learn how to harvest my power of controlling lighting. You see, my father has explained to me that when a full moon appears lightning that's place on the planet, it's the only night. Every person of X-ian descendent can control small streaks of lightning. The night I was born, was a full moon. My father says that night was the only night in Planet X history to never have a streak of lightning. Therefore, my power of controlling lightning is on such a powerful scale that even not a strike is shown.

For now, I must go, for tomorrow is an important day. Farewell my friends.

-Princess Kara.' As I finish writing in my journal, all I can think about is the mysterious boy from the hallway.

His grey eyes staring back at me, his dark sandy blonde hair struggled to make an appearance as his beanie was only showing the roots. With strong cheek and chine bones, full pink lips, he could easily be confused with any celebrity or model.

Shaking my head of him, I quietly make my way over to my bed. Hoping to dream of a fairy tale ending.

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