Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Lily's POV

"YOUR MAJESTY!" Screams of citizens and guards erupt in my ears as I turn my head to where Kara was standing just a mere minute ago. "Kara!" I scream dropping my thing to the ground, running straight towards my best friend, pushing and pulling people to let me through. I stand there next to her, "M-m-m-mo" is all she says before blacking out. I apply pressure over her stomach to stop the bleeding. "Call the ambulance!" I scream out to the crowd. "Kara, stay here." I whisper to my friend. Greta kneels beside me calming applying her her hands as well, while Mrs. Kingsley checks her breathing and pulse.

"Move! Move!" I hear yells in the crowd as the first responders move through the sea of people. "Karolina Xavier, seventeen year old female, Princess to Planet X, stab wound to the mid-stomach region." I quickly usher out facts about Kara and her wound while the responder put together the gurney and ready to move her body. "Keep pressure." They order as I and a new responder put out hands on the wound. But it doesn't help, the blood just keeps coming. "We will take over from here." The responders order as I move my hands of the wound. I watch as they take her lifeless body back to the hospital. Quickly us three woman follow them in the limo, calling all member of the palace, but I get the worst call.

"Hello?" The familiar voice answers not knowing what is happening right now. I cry out letting my tears fall, "Christopher," I mutter out crying.

"Lily, what's wrong?"

"It's Kara, she was stabbed." I tell him. After a few seconds of silence I hear, "Where is she?"

"Here at the hospital in surgery, there's a seventy percentage chance that she won't make it." I hear something drop on the other line and voices for Christopher to come back. "Hello? Hello?"

"Lily?" I hear a weird voice ask.

"Who is this?"

"Reign, Chris's friend from this morning. What's going on?"

"Get Chris here to the hospital; make sure he doesn't talk to anyone." I hang up knowing they need to get here as fast as they can. As much as Kara likes to hide it; the one person she needs is Christopher. And Christopher needs her.

"Are you with Princess Karolina?" A white coated doctor as staring down at my blooded hands and clothes. "I am her next of kin." I tell him, "This is her finacee's mother and her aunt." I introduce him to Mrs. Kingsley and Greta. "I am here to move you to a private room." The doctor instructs leading us to a private conference room, before he left he asks if we need anything to page him as he is one of the doctors assigned to Kara's case. When we asked why he wasn't in the operating room, he kindly replies with a "Only the new guy."

"Do you know how much longer?" Greta asks washing the dried blood off her hands. "I can't say, so far they are just at the beginning." The doctor leaves us.

"How did this happen?" I cry out placing my head in my blooded hands. "How could this of gotten passed the guards?" I question the guards presence along with the location. I go over in my head everything that lead up to the moment even taking in this morning at the university. "I got it." I jump out of my seat remembering the woman and child that Kara was talking to right before the stabbing. "We have to find the woman and child that Kara talked to right before this happened."

"I'll ask the guards to investigate every single person there even staff and reporter." Greta replies taking out her phone. "For now, Lily wash up, please." I follow my mother's order by washing my hands and arms before pulling out a scrub top that was placed on the counter for us to change into until a guard brought us clothes. "Excuse me ladies, but there are three men here saying they are with Princess Karolina." A nurse says opening the door wide enough for us to see Reign, Asher and Christopher. "Let them in," I order the boys to come in.

Christopher looking like a messy with stains on his clothes and hair all disheveled. "What happened to you?" Mrs. Kingsley asks worrying about her son. "They tackled me." Christopher points to his friends, who like him were covered with dirt.

"They tackled you?" I smile thinking about how funny it would have been to see that.

"How is she?" Christopher says glancing around the room at our bloodied clothes. "The doctor hasn't been back yet," Just like that the doctor comes into the room taking of his surgical mask along with his two assistant doctors. "Princess Karolina is okay. The wounded fatal but not life threatening with the bullet missing a few vital organs."

"Can we visit her?" Greta instantly asks.

"For her sake, we advise to not see her for a few days. Karolina is out in a coma induced state for now. This weekend, we will wake her up when the worst part of the pain is over." The doctor then decides to leave us saying he has to check on her vitals. We all gather around the table advising plans on how we can deal with this incident. "We will need to hold a press conference explaining her condition." Greta instantly decides, Laura calls ahead to some of the palace staff commanding them of their jobs. Greta calls Mr. Kingsley to tell him, while the rest of us just star at each other. Mrs. Kingsley tries to comfort her son but nothing helps. He just stands by the window, looking at the people passing by. To and from the hospital most in perfect health, none of them know that their majesty is barely living on the top floor with her own team of doctors and nurses. "She'll be okay," I grab onto Christopher's shoulders in a comforting manner.

"She'll be okay," I whisper again watching the people below.


Hello Everyone,

I hate to say this but I am going to put this story on hold for a while. I have terrible writer's block. Any comments or thoughts about what should happen next would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for the support in reads.


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