"Alright, Kookie," Namjoon-hyung said to me as he got off the phone. "Let's go. We're clear to go. We'll go get the bear and head to the hospital. But I think you should be the one to take care of the bear. Jin trusted you with the full meaning behind it, I think you'd be the one he'd trust most with it."

I nodded. Tae and Jimin stayed at my side as we left. When we all ran into the dorm, they came right back to my side as soon as we were all basically ready to go. I knew why, we were the three youngest. They were trying to make sure that I was still okay. I went into Jin-hyung's space and grabbed Hwan, keeping him close to me. Thankfully, there were no jokes from anyone about the maknae with the teddy bear. As we all left, Joonie finally made Jimin and Tae give me space.

"Thanks, Hyung," I said to him.

"It looked like you needed some space from them, Jungkook-ah," he said to me.

I nodded at him.

"I won't push you to talk. I know you're not big on that," Joonie started. "But it's obvious that Jin-hyung and you are very close. Close enough it seems he's opened up to you about Ryung-gi more than he has to the rest of us. If you do need someone to talk to, Kookie, I'm here."

I nodded at him again. He moved away and left me alone to my thoughts while he and Hoseok-hyung kept Tae and Jimin distracted from me. When we got to the hospital, Yoongi-hyung was waiting in the lobby for us to bring us to Jin-hyung and Ryung-gi. He kept me at his side.

"Are you okay, Kookie?" he asked me.

"I'm fine. Everyone should worry about Jin-hyung," I said to him.

"Jin is just as worried about you as he is Ryung-gi," Yoongi-hyung said to me, shocking me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he takes care of you, Jungkook-ah. He may act like your eomma, but he has also taken you in, becoming as much your hyung as he is Ryung-gi's oppa," Yoongi replied. "Needing to run out on you for her left him worried about how you were."

"All six of you are my hyungs, and yeah, Jin-hyung and I are as close as blood, but Ryung-gi is his blood and needs him more right now, Yoongi-hyung. I had the others. Joonie-hyung actually had to make Tae and Jimin-ssi leave me alone," I replied. "I'm okay. I'm worried for him and Ryung-gi. She's a nice girl, Yoongi-hyung. He's let me talk to her when they've Facetimed before. I know that all of you have too, but if they're on Facetime and Jin-hyung needs to do something, he lets me stay on the call for a bit in case he can make it back before her time limit was up."

Yoongi-hyung looked at me in shock.

"So, you really do know more about her than the rest of us?" he asked me.

I nodded.

"Which is why I know how hard this will be on Jin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung. It was so hard for him to leave her to begin with, and he hated he couldn't visit her as much as he wanted," I told him. "I'm more concerned for him and I pray she pulls through. How bad is she?"

Yoongi-hyung stopped all of us from walking.

"Ryung-gi is holding on for her life, but the doctors aren't sure if she will make it, hyungs. Jin is pretty broken up and he needs all of us to be strong for him. If any of you need to cry, do it before you go into that room," he said looking at us all.

I wouldn't cry. Jin-hyung needed me. So did Ryung-gi. I walked into the room before anyone could stop me. Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung followed me seconds later. I figured that Tae, Jimin-ssi, and Hoseok-hyung were going to need a few minutes to pull themselves together.

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