chapter eight

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| CHAPTER EIGHT | you're forever

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| CHAPTER EIGHT | you're forever

" i won't even try to argue but i love you

「✱ ➶ ♕ ♡ 」

"What the hell is she doing here?"

Attempting to remain calm, all I can do is face Pike with my hands gripping the table tightly. "She is the ambassador of Skaikru, and she, has more say than you." Pike quiets about my presence immediately, eyes staring at the mark on my arm. There was a bandage, but he knows what's underneath, and it disgusts him.

  "How are we going to strike back from the attack?" He asks, quickly changing the topic. My brow furrows, knowing Abby has no intentions of striking back. This was between Lexa and the Ice Nation now, something that would hopefully be resolved within the next few days. If the plan worked, and if Roan follows through.

Abby shakes her head. "We don't. The Ice Nation took credit for the attack, and the Commander will bring them to justice," She explains, and it makes sense. Lexa, the person we now follow, will decide what to do with the Ice Nation. And I'm sure it won't be friendly.

  "So now, we're trusting grounders to punish grounders?" Pike asks, feigning confusion. There was this displeased look that would not leave his face, only making my anger grow stronger, along with the urge to use my fists. But I would not.

  "We're on the ground, like they are. We are grounders. They try their people just as we do ours. Besides, you're on the side of the place that murdered children at 18 for taking up too much space." I say flatly, wanting to dismiss it. We've all lost people, but with another attack, ourselves on the offensive, we would only loose more people. A cycle of violence.

Kane nods. "Avalon is right. Besides, their numbers are far greater than ours and we would only loose more." I smile gently at him, slowly realizing how much he's changed over the past three months. We all have, but to see him change, made me realize he wasn't the evil man I painted him to be in my head all those years ago.

  "I'm sorry, but I lost more than half of my remaining people yesterday. And four times that many since we landed!" Pike argues, looking to Abby directly, growing more and more heated by the moment.

  "We started with one hundred. The grounders killed fifty-one of my people within a month of landing. I killed more than twice that in return. Then there was Mount Weather, where more "under-grounders" as you would call them, killed more. So I killed them all. It keeps the cycle going. You're not the only side that has to forgive to keep this truce," I say lightly, unsure of how to put it without seeming pushy. I know what I believe is right and I will stand by it, but to stop a war? That deserves the right amount of pushy— because we— I— can't afford to see anyone else die.

Pike waves his hands around. "But grounders only know one thing, and that is strength. That's why we need to hit them back, and hit them hard," He expresses, and I can't keep the scowl off my face. The words, are like the grounders are animals.

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