chapter seven

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lol my WiFi is shit so no gif even tho it was super cute avellemy 😪

| CHAPTER SEVEN | scheming

" not to be a princess or anything, but sometimes i wish things would just go my way. "

「✱ ➶ ♕ ♡ 」

"Hey," I walk softly into Clarke's spare room, the blonde pacing back and fourth, the scowl falling from her face when she realizes it's not Lexa. "How are you?" I sit on her perfectly made bed, crossing my legs underneath myself. The rest of the day has been spent exploring Polis, visiting my father. Anything to distract me from thinking about Bellamy constantly, or the fact that I had to persuade Roan to do the impossible.

"Oh you know, just being stuck in a room going crazy," She shrugs with a huff, Clarke sitting down beside me nervously. Peering closely at me, she frowns. "You're not here just for fun," The blonde takes note, blue eyes piercing my own. I feel bad, knowing she wished she would have company. Now she was getting politics.

I lean my head on her shoulder in an apology. "I'm sorry," I admit, running a hand through my hair. How would I get her to do something in favor of Lexa? Someone she is so set on hating, when I'm not sure she can truly hate her. Clarke and Lexa had something, and that doesn't just go away. "A week ago, we killed some Ice Nation Scouts that threatened Jaspers life," I explain, turning my head to face Clarke. She just stares straight ahead.

  "So war is coming," She says blatantly, being far from oblivious.

I nod, tracing the raised scars on my wrist, trying to fight the urge to tug my sleeve down over them.  "They would slaughter Arkadia, Clarke," Holding my breath, I hope she hears the plea in my voice, that it's not just some deal I made with Lexa for her benefit, it's to stop a war. We had just gotten the little bit of happy earth provides, and now it might be ruined. We would be back there, watching our friends die for something preventable. "But that's only if we're alone."

Clarke's eyes practically bulge out of her head. "You're listening to her? You want to trust her again after what she did? She abandoned us and everyone in Mount Weather," Clarke seethes,  her voice tightening at the mention of Mount Weather, my own fingers clasping tightly onto the fabric of the bedsheets.

  "I'm listening, because it's not us who needs help. If we join the coalition, if you bow to Lexa, Ice Nation could back off. We'd be united and with the power of Wanheda. I promise it's not just the simple way, because I need Roans help to. And you know how he is," I try to muster a small smile, Clarke scuffing at the mention of Roan.

Clarke looks down at her lap silently, twirling the pillow fibers beside her. It's quiet for a long moment, and you can practically hear her thinking. "I don't want it. I never asked to be Wanheda," She whispers, her voice fragile. My eyes soften, understanding exactly what she means. Grim Reaper doesn't exactly have the nicest ring to it. "I didn't pull that lever for power, I pulled it to save my friends," She relents, and I quickly pull her into a hug at the crack in her voice, at the stumbling over words. Clarke Griffin holds the weight of the world on her shoulders, and no one was there to help her these past few months.

"I know. It doesn't define you," I rub her back soothingly, the blonde gratefully accepting the hug. "Clarke Griffin, is the person who heals people. That's what you've been doing from the start," I say simply, meaning it in many more ways than just literally. She helped me come to terms with myself in mount weather, what I did to myself. She helped heal my mind. And I don't think she gets enough thanks for that. Clarke stays like that for a long moment, needing the contact after months of being in hiding, dealing with the grief on her own. And now she could finally let some of it go, put it on me instead for just a few moments before responsibility finds its way back to her again.

Cursed Salvation | Bellamy Blake |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora