Yeah, I Want You

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/ / Y E A H ,  I  W A N T  Y O U / /

Its not that Matty is nervous or anything, but he is definitely fidgeting with the button on his shirt.

"This can't be your first date with her," George speaks from where he's laying on the bed, tossing a ball up and down. Matty doesn't question where he's got it from, he suspects he might have stolen it from Arabella's baby bag but, that's not really Matty's problem at the moment.

Matty turns to look at George, and he kind of only idly wishes he had begged Adam or Ross to come with him instead. But then, Adam is starting to think everything Matty does is suddenly suspicious and Ross is most definitely waiting to be alone with Matty just to choke him to death with no witnesses.

"This is not my first date." George tilts his head only to raise his eyebrow at Matty. Matty frowns, "It's not," he insists petulantly. He's twenty-five for fuck's sake, this is not his first date.

"It's your first date with Mars," George points out. "Proper date."

"Mars?" Matty questions momentarily before shaking his head, "Shut up, we were practically on a date the day after we met."

"Where you stole food from her and gave her a panic attack and also hacked into her phone?"

"She gave me her food," he defends, running a hand through his hair while simultaneously trying to find a way out of the other two accusations. "You know what, fuck you, why am I even arguing with you?"

"Cus we're a bit of married couple and I don't appreciate you openly cheating on me with some blonde headed hoe."

"George!" Matty is actually stunned, having not expecting that from him. "She's a brunette," which is something he's actually come to terms with since seeing her this morning with her new hairstyle.

George snorts, returning his attention to the ball he resumes tossing. Matty scrunches his nose slightly and he thinks it's a habit he's picked up from his girlfriend, but its not something he pays attention to, because this wasn't going to be the greatest of dates and that's probably saying something considering how shitty all their other dates– if he can even call them that...and, well, he can, so he is – went. He knows this because, he didn't mean for it to be a date, he only meant to talk to her, privately, in a public place where she cant exactly get mad, about everything he's kept behind.

He wants to tell this all to George, but then, that would cause a bit of schism between the two, probably worse than the one with Ross, because George is his fucking best friend, and telling him all this would mean Matty's the biggest fuck up right now – hell it was fucking hard as hell to even attempt to tell Marcy.

George seems to sense something wrong because the humor is gone from his voice when he tries to comfort Matty, "Mate, relax, Marcy would probably be content with watching John Hughes movies with you. I'm surprised she hasn't run off yet with shit about Stefani and all."

"Thanks. I think," Matty mumbles reaching in his pocket for something to smoke and his phone. He walks out on the balcony of the hotel room they've rented and lights up while checking over missed texts or any notifications.

"Can we rain check the date?" Matty furrows his brows when checking the time of the text, groaning on the exhale because it was a good hour after he had left her flat to walk her halfway to where her parents were, bouncing Ari on one arm and holding Marcy's hand with his free one. He was quite fond of the little baby, and he thinks she liked him too, with her giggles and gibberish, curious fingers feeling his stubble and pulling his hair – and that smile Marcy seemed to have plastered on her face? He'd go through Ari ripping his hair out if he got to see that smile permanently.

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