Never Gonna Lie to You

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/ / N E V E R G O N N A L I E T O Y O U / /

It shouldn't have to come to me as a shock when George is prattling on about something Matty had done some time ago, but it does, because I realize, I really only know so much about him.

After the lake, we had all piled into a van and drove back to the hotel. It was well past midnight then and the whole lot of them were supposed to be leaving within the next five hours, yet none of them thought sleep would be good on them.

My hair is still wet from the lake and we're all kind of taking turns for the shower in the room we've crowded into, sitting cross-legged on the floor, a towel wrapped around me while the boys didn't mind getting the rug wet, barely paying attention to the match that's on and sharing a smoke. I pass the joint to Ross, on the other side of me, scrunching my nose in distain, bypassing the intake all together. Ross chuckles at this, "Scared of the spliff, now?" I giggle and Matty reaches behind me to pinch Ross who flinches and splutters the drag.

Adam was first to shower, Matty had kept me back, "Usually, I'm all for lady's first," he had murmured into my ear, "But I like how you look. Wet." I had squirmed against him but he seemed to only enjoy that more.

I'm zoning in and out of the conversation, trying to reply to the texts on my phone, Anna cursing me out for leaving her with Jamie and Jamie cursing me out for leaving him with Anna, all the while they're in the same apartment, studiously ignoring each other. My dad also sends a quick text, one after receiving the picture I took of what Dan Smith signed for me - well for my dad, and one after I sent him a photo of Bastille on stage.

It makes me think back on something Dan had said to make Matty uncomfortable, I tried to press, but it seemed, as now wasn't the right time.

I think George is commenting on the Scandinavian Baby Momma drama that had been in the press earlier, "What did the young one think of being a step mom so soon in the relationship?" he joked, nodding his head to me.

Matty rolls his eyes, "She fucked me on the phone, I think it went rather well."

"Matty!" I gasp, looking up from my phone, wide eyes at his declaration.

George laughs loudly and Ross makes a groaning type of sound muttering something like, "It always comes back to that, doesn't it?"

Matty chuckles a bit, looking me almost abashed, "Sorry," he apologizes while the drummer calls him whipped.

"Have you spoken to her though?" George asks, grabbing the hit from Ross. Matty shakes his head, his body tense beside me. "But what if she really is - what if she's pregnant and that's your kid?" My ears perk at this and my heart kind of quickens.

I try to remain quiet because it really isn't my place to say, is it? Matty denies it off hand, but his hand is fisted around the material of my towel, "I didn't get anyone pregnant."

Ross clears his throat and turns to me, "Did you enjoy the festival today, then?"

I nod, smiling a bit, but my focus is pinpointed at George's reply, "How would you know mate, you had blow and Vicodin in your nose and you were talking more shit than usual. Plus you did leave with her, and I hadn't seen you back until the next gig. Besides that, you usually suck at carrying around protection - tell me Marcy," He looks to me and the words 'blow' and 'Vicodin' are repeating in my head. I'm really trying my best to focus on Ross who tells George to shut up because we're having a conversation, but I feel a bit struck. I mean granted. I guess being a rockstar, drugs came with the gig. I just had never thought of anything more than the weed they smoke in front of me.

"Shut up, George," Matty also says at the same time, only for completely different reasons I suppose.

But George ignores both of them around the same time Adam emerges from the bathroom, hair wet but in a clean pair of jeans and shirt. " - Of all the times you and Matthew had sex, how many times has he had a condom with him?"

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