And You're A Liar At Least All Of Your Friends Are

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/ / A N D  Y O U ' R E  A  L I A R ,  A T  L E A S T  A L L  O F  Y O U R  F R I E N D S  A R E / /

"You like Frozen?" he asks exasperatedly on the other end of the line, "What the hell, Healy, I thought you were better than this."

Matty rolls his eyes, settling into the sofa upon entering the new hotel. Ross is there, already engaged in a video game on the screen of the TV in front of them, "What's wrong with Frozen?"

"I don't find the appeal," Jamie admits, "I mean- sisterly love? Um, Lilo and Stitch already did that; womanly empowerment? Um Mulan? Pocahontas? My mother? Also - why was Elsa the only one with the ice powers? What happened to Kristoff's parents? Fuck that, Tangled was better."

"Jamie." Matty says exasperatedly as Ross finishes his game and plugs in another controller, handing it to Matty. "Hand Marcy the phone."

"Don't ignore the questions!"

"I don't know!" Matty groans, "I didn't write it, stop being a hater, it was a good movie. Now, Marcy, please."

"Yes, keep begging, I like this."

"Jamie," Matty warns, eyes trained on the screen, confused at which half of the screen was his and he swears Mario Cart will be the reason the band breaks up because Ross has no chill. "That's cheating!" he says to his bass player.

"How is that cheating - you can't cheat at Mario Cart!"

On the other end, he hears Marcy faintly ask, "Is that my phone?"

"Um...Bye Matty - we still need to have words about Frozen."

"Frozen?" Marcy asks upon taking the phone, "Do you want to build a snowman?" Marcy gushes into the phone.


Matty snorts, "It doesn't have to be a snowman."

Marcy squeals, "Matty! Why didn't you tell me you liked Frozen?"

"I didn't think it was relevant?"

"Frozen is always relevant." Marcy chuckles, "Are you alright, Cat Dealy - you're probably gonna regret that in a few weeks by the way."

"Yeah, George has already mentioned this to me, but the point is, I don't regret it now and twitter will just have to deal. Plus Cat Deeley is fit. Er...not as fit as you. And I'm good, how was your flight?"

"Cat Deeley is hot," Marcy admits with a giggle, "And my flight was wonderful, slept through it all, but I'm not the one petrified of flying," she says pointedly and fuck her. He of course doesn't mention her sleeping pills prescribed for said flight therefore mulling any type of actual fear due a deep sleep, because he's courteous like that.

In the most respectful way possible, "Shut up," Matty mumbles as he promptly loses, "Ross cheated. And I'm not petrified of planes, its just... why is this fucking contraption flying in the middle of the sky like, that shit is wild - I...I'm fine, thanks for asking," he finally settles on. "I want a rematch."

"I didn't cheat!" Ross yells exasperatedly.

"You're a liar!" Matty chucks the controller on the ground and leans back into the plush sofa, redirecting all of his attention to Marcy, "Why did Jamie have your phone? Why is he still at your place?" Matty had called Marcy upon his arrival after seeing a missed text message from her saying she had made it home. He's not sure how the conversation with Jamie ended up to talking about Disney movies, he's also not sure what the lad has against Frozen, but he figures that's Jamie's problem.

"I don't know - and he's been trying to avoid his new neighbors for weeks now. He's scared of love," she laughs into the phone and he wants to see that smile she most definitely has plastered on her face, like a mischievous child who knows more than she should.

That 000000 & ffffff || Matty Healy Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin