So Fixated on the Girl with the Soft Sound

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/ / S O F I X A T E D O N T H E G I R L W I T H T H E S O F T S O U N D / /

There's a Spice Girls' song playing in the background, he's fairly sure of that. He can't make out the words but he is idly reminded of how fit he thought Scary Spice was - is, whatever. He muses over this, over how he had always like a girl eager to take control, someone assertive and soft-spoken at the same time.

"Matty," The voice pulls him from his thoughts, soft and begging, and yeah, shit, Marcy.

Her fingers trail to the collar of his shirt, sifting the material between her fingers before getting a firm grasp and pulling him down. He chuckles, having to hold his palms out, bracketing around her sides to brace his fall, to hover over her as if not to hurt her.

"Marcy," he mocks her name, imitating the way she's said his. But he doesn't expect his voice to come out softer, fonder, lips tracing hers with every breath, and it's teasing and she wants him to kiss her properly, but he's not making a move. She lifts her head up, the kiss coming hard and too fast for either of their liking, but she's hiking a leg over his hip and pushing him with one hand, his body pivoting and taking her with him.

She's on top now and he loves the way his shirt looks on her, unbuttoned and barely covering her breasts, her panties on full display, only for him. Her green eyes twinkle mischievously and her bottom lip is taken between her teeth. Her hair is cascading down her shoulders but he can't focus on her properly, not with her fingers working to undo his shirt, her hips bouncing in excitement above him, and well, it's got him excited as well.

"What are you doing, Marceline?" He asks, completely endeared, hand coming to her hips to still her movements, just under the cotton hanging off her shoulders. He's sliding calloused fingers up until they meet a stem of her flower tattoo. She shivers visibly and he can see little goosebumps rise on her flesh. He wants to lick them. She moans, her head falling back when his thumb pebbles around the mound of her breasts, perky and heaving at her deep intake of breaths. She pulls his hands off of her, pinning them to his sides, giving him a playful scolding, but it doesn't stop his hands from retreating back to her hips.

"I wanna try something," She admits, getting the last button of his shirt undone and nearly ripping it open, exposing his torso. She trails a finger along the line of his 'We are Kings' tattoo and she wants to say something witty he knows and as much as he enjoys her voice, he much rather her lips moving against his instead. He pulls her down, hands nearly engulfing her back to secure her as she topples over him; nose to nose, chest to chest.

He bites her lower lip playfully and she laughs, her chuckles vibrating against his body and he's shivering despite himself.

"Wanna try something?" He teases between kisses and Marcy nods her head, her mouth trailing across his cheek, light stubble tickling her lips, and then her breath is warm against his earlobe, making him squirm slightly. She whispers something Matty wishes he can save and replay forever as her fingers slowly make their way down, tugging lightly at his happy trail before teasing just a bit under his pants. "Fuck," he mumbles and then he's nodding to whatever she's whispering in his ear because yes, yes, yes; he wants her to do all this to him "Yeah..." he mumbles as his hands trail down to the dip of her back, until he's fingering the lace of her underwear.

Her fingers inch deeper and her touch is near aching and he wants to flip them over, and he knows he has the strength to do so, but he holds back. He wants to take her - hell, not even a fuck; something slow, so he can hear the soft sounds she'd make, he wants to see her eyes flutter shut, he wants to see her lips part, he wants to feel the marks she digs into his skin and "Please," he doesn't realize he's said it out loud.

That 000000 & ffffff || Matty Healy Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя