Chapter 18- Ones hot, the others cool

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"Well, hello there~" Inferno smirked as he lowered his sunglasses to look at me. He approached me and bowed at me.

"The names Inferno flame-" He smirked.
"What's an angel like you doin on earth?" He said taking a lock of my hair and kissed it. I gave a dead pan stare before backing up and slipping behind Jack. Jack blocked his view of me.

"Hey, the names Jack" He forcefully introduced himself. Inferno frowned a bit before nodding.
"Nice to meet you man" He nodded at him.
"What're you doing here?" Bunny interjected the awkward situation.

Inferno sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"My- my dads been killed by pitch.... they took our fire heart and my kingdoms in ruins...." His expression turned pained. Everyone and different reactions. Tooth gasped, North rubbed his forehead, Bunny stood up straight , Sandy began to float in shock and Jack tensed. I clenched my fist. I thought about how I now knew how Pitch killed my mother....

"So- I'm asking to help you all defeat him- and in exchange you help save my people" He held out his hand.

"I'm not sure if we can allow you-" Bunny began.
"We accept your offer of alliance" I spoke loudly. Everyone froze. Jack whipped around.
"What- why- we barely know the guy and we can handle ourselves! You don't need- I mean- we don't need him!!" He outbursts. It was my turn to calm him down. I took his hand and held it firmly. I smirked a bit

"Hey hey! Frostbite! You know me- do I do anything stupid?"

"No...." he grumbled
"Yep! I'm the brains of our lil duo- id know if this guy was a jackass- so trust me" I said softly as I cupped his face. He pouted a bit and glared at Inferno.

"Fine- but I'm watching you Flame," He growled.
"Like wise-" he had a condescending voice as he seemed to glared at Jack. I cleared my throat. I flinched as they both turned their head to look at me. They seemed like two begging puppies. Tooth flew over to me and whispered in my ear

"Might wanna lighten up the mood-"

I glared at her. Why was I supposed to do that?!? I groaned a bit .

"I'm going home-" I said rolling my eyes.
"Wait what!" Tooth replies.
"I miss Ami and Mary! And Papa messaged me that he has no idea how to do his own laundry!" I said as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"And I have to organize my files and folders of information- figure out stuff about mama- and now deal with the new task of figuring out why in the world Pitch would KILL someone" I said pacing around. Jack flew over to me and blew a soft breeze of coldness onto my face.

"Chill snowflake, we've got time. He's not attacking children so the guardians have some power- and we've got tons of libraries in all of our palaces" He mentioned. I nodded sighing a bit.

"You know what, I might join you. Let's go to Burgess together. How about it?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes

"Your always glued to my hip, aren't you" I smirked. He laughed and nodded wrapping an arm around me.
"Yep! It's gonna take a lot to get rid of this winter spirit!" He smiled.

"C-can I come with..." Inferno asked shyly. I looked up.
"Sure" - "No" I and Jack interjected one another. Jack pouted a bit. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course Inferno- " I smiled softly.
"He's getting his own ride, cuz I'm yours" Jack said before shooting us up in the air.

"Wind! Take us home-" He howled. And like that the wind carried us to Burgess.

"What is up with you Jack, Inferno was just trying to get along with us" I said. He stayed quiet but I noted his grip getting tighter around my waist. Once we landed I began to walk to my house. I paused seeing a large sun chariot. Inferno sat there with a smirk.

"Like the ride princess?" He asked. I didn't reply before I was tackled by Mary.

"BITCH. NOT. EVEN. A. SINGLE. TEXT." She screamed at me. I laughed and hugged her tightly.

"Aw was someone a sad hoe while I was gone?~" I cooed. Ami ran at us and jumped onto me. I coughed a bit.

"Y/N ~~~" she whined. The two boys looked at this mess. I smiled and cuddled them.
"God I missed this mess" I held them close .
"My my- you all never change do you" I heard papa walk out and say. I looked at him.

"Hey papa," I laughed. The girls got off me finally. I sat up.
"So Jack Frost eh-" Mary smirked. I looked at Papa. He stared.
"Was I not supposed to tell them...?". Jack flinched
"Wait can they see me-?" He asked. Ami and Mary turned to him.

"Duh bitch"
He flinched once more.
Ami looked him up and down.
"So did Y/N give her soul to you or-"
"AMI" I tackled her. Jack awkwardly shook his head. I stood up and grabbed the two girls and dragged them into the house. Jack raised an eyebrow and watched.
"Don't - come - in" I ordered before slamming the door.
God this is a nightmare
How am I gonna survive- their gonna ruin everything?!!

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