Chapter 9||Where's Peter actually?

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*Scott's POV*

After Stiles left, I plan to make my way to home and contemplate, possibly stare into the ceiling until morning but that idea banished when Lydia slumped down in the sand, tears falling in her face.

"Scott," Lydia croaked out between her sniffles, "I think the plan that we did just hurt Stiles more..." And that's how I found my heart aching again. I sighed.

"No, Lydia..." I trailed off, and scratched my head before sitting in sand beside her. I tried to deny, but we both know the truth. We only hurt him. Since then until now, the only thing we did is hurt him. I can't even think on what to say.

Lydia pulls out something from her pocket and I glanced at it, seeing it is the necklace she found in Stiles' room.

"I didn't even had the chance to return this to him..." Lydia muttered, as she wipes her tears with her handkerchief.

"And I didn't have the chance to admit to him that I liked him, 15 years ago or now. I guess, he already found his significant someone, but... it-it j-just hurts." She stammered, her hand clenching the necklace.

"It hurts me to see him hurt, even though I don't look like it. If I can't be his significant one, I wish he could get a good normal life..." She murmured, her tears flowing more and more as she speaks and stutters in her words.

"But we all know he can't. Because he got thrown into the supernatural world. He lost his love ones because of this world. Even us, we never had a normal life after we got into supernatural world, we only got a taste of it." I explained. Well, it's true. The normal life we want does not exist anymore.

"But, Scott, you know what? Maybe that is why he became stone cold to everyone. He closed his doors for everyone not to see his own struggles. We weren't there when he needed us, Scott. He isn't the "hyperactive spaz" anymore. He disassociated from his own self." Lydia sighed as her tears stopped flowing, and stood up from the sand, brushing off her skirt.

"Don't worry, Lydia. Now that he is back, let's try to help him this time. It's okay if he doesn't open up, as long as he we helped him in some way. We may not be able to fix the past, but at least we can do the effort to change the future." I said, as I stood up from the sand too. I gave her a small smile, and luckily-she returned it too.

"Lets go home. It's already late, and can you accompany me to Derek's tomorrow? I think I needed to ask some questions to him." I asked as we walk away from the beach, and began trudging towards her car.

"Yeah, sure Scott." Lydia said as she hopped on the driver's seat and I made my way to the seat next to her.

We drove off and Lydia dropped me off to our house. As usual, she waved goodbye, and went off.

I immediately ran to my room, ignoring my mothers questions.

Then I flopped in the bed, stared at the ceiling and began to contemplate about things.

Why Stiles doesn't want to open up?

Is there something serious bound to happen?

And most importantly,

Why Derek came back without Peter?

I got my phone and tried to call Stiles to tell him we were going to Derek's tomorrow. You may ask why I got his number, well I got it from the Sheriff when we set out to find him. Even though I know there is only a little chance he will show up there, it is worth a shot.

I tried to called him about 3 times, but he still don't answer, so I just left a voicemail.

Hey Sti--Mitch, we plan to go to Derek's tomorrow, can you come? Please even just this once.

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