Chapter 4||Mitch Rapp

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*Scott's POV*

"Stiles, it's me. Scott. Don't you remember?" I said, hoping he remembers, but...

"No, I don't know who you are. Besides, I am just here to clean up a mess." The man grumbled, as he pulled the body around with a stoic expression.

"I am your bestfriend!" I yelled, desperate- on him recognizing me, on him remembering me, but he just scoffed.

"Sorry, buddy. I had no bestfriend. I don't even have a friend. So please, just stay out of my way and nothing will happen." He responded with a shrug.

Just then, someone called in his phone and he answered it.


"Mitch, is it dead?"

"No, but it is barely living. He fainted even though I just shot him in the leg. Kinda weak for a terrorist if you ask me."

"Bring him in the headquarters then. So that we can interrogate him."

"Sure, I just got someone to deal with."

"Who is it?"

"A bunch of kids. You know what I mean. It's infuriating."

"Okay. Make sure that one can't escape. He might be the lead."



"Who is that?" I asked curiously, dozens of questions passing over to my mind. Is he really not my bestfriend?

"None of your business to know. Now if I may, I am a busy person so please stop blocking the door." He deadpanned as I realized all of us are blocking the door. When none of us moved, he groaned before moving along.

Then he shoved us out of the wat as he made his way to the door dragging the body he shot.

"Why did you shot that person?" I asked before he can get to his car.

"For assaulting the police and an order from an authority above." He answered coldly, and I promise I actually saw that man roll his eyes.

He then effortlessly lifted the body and threw it in the back seat of his car as if it was a doll.

He was about to get inside of the driver's seat but before he can go I asked him a question.

"If you aren't Stiles, who are you?" I asked. Who is this man who looks like Stiles?

"Name's Mitch. Mitch Rapp. And by the way, what is a Stiles?" He responded with such sarcasm dripping in it as he got to the drivers seat and started to drive away. Leaving us standing near the doorway like kicked puppies. Quite literally.

Who the hell is this guy and why he looks like Stiles? Why do I feel that guy is Stiles?

The Pack and I immediately stopped on what we are doing and immediately went to Deaton's Clinic. Like always, when there is an unknown, the doctor somehow knew some details about the it. Hopefully, he has some about this too.

When we got there, Deaton was shocked that all of us went to his clinic, because he knew we are having an event or commemoration, but nevertheless, he looked like he was ready to answer some questions. Before sighing of course.

"What is it, Scott?" Deaton said, a noticable annoyance in his voice.

"So apparently a terrorist- or what we thought he is- came in the Sheriff Station, forcing Deputy Parrish to give the files of Stiles. Parrish obviously declined and before the terrorist can do anything he was shot, I thought Parrish was the one who shot the terrorist but it wasn't." I narrated slowly, the events still rolling in my mind like a movie. Deaton has this contemplative look on his face as I went on.

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