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The two of them talked for what felt like hours. Around supper time, they decided to order pizza, which made Blake joke about how Blossom had said she like home cooked meals more than something ordered.

A long time after the sun had set, Blossom drove Blake back to the train station. Even though it was far too late for her to still be up, Aurora was sitting in the backseat, having way too much energy for a four-year-old at this time of the day.

Blossom and Blake both got out of the car, walking towards the empty platform. "The train will arrive in a few minutes, will you wait with me?" Blake looked at the departure times on his phone, which was still wrapped in the case with his own face on it. Blossom nodded but felt like she would be frozen in place by the time the train would arrive.

Suddenly, Blossom noticed something. "Blake," she said, stepping closer to him, standing up on the tips of her toes, raising her hand towards his hair. "What are you doing?" he asked, but Blossom did not answer. She was concentrated, trying to get the blue piece of fluff out of Blakes' hair. But, one thought made the concentration go away.

This moment, she realised, would be the perfect moment for him to pull her even closer, grab her waist, and kiss her. But, surprise, he did not do that.

"There was something in your hair," Blossom explained, finally getting the fluff from Grace's pillow out of Blakes' hair.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot!" Blake exclaimed a few seconds later, when Blossom had taken a step back. His voice sounded excited, but also a little scared. He got something out of the pocket of his black puffer jacket.

"This is for you," he said, handing her a flat, rectangular object, wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. "sorry about the wrapping paper, that was the only thing we had." Blake smiled. Surprised, Blossom took the gift, of which she was certain it contained a CD.

"Please don't open it while I'm still here," Blake instructed. "Okay, okay," Blossom stammered, "thanks, for getting me this, whatever it is." A smile appeared on Blakes' face "I hope you like it."

Blossom felt bad because she did not get Blake any gifts. In her defence: she did not know that Blake would be coming over today. Why did he even get her a gift? Was he just trying to be friendly, or did it have anything to do with the fact that it was Valentine's Day today?

The girl did not have a lot of time to ponder long about it, because the familiar sound of an oncoming train got louder and louder.

"Blossom," Blake said, making her turn around towards him. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Even though Blossom did not expect him hugging her, it felt comforting. She wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head against his chest.

A few minutes and an awkward goodbye later, Blossom sat in her car, curiously looking at the christmassy wrapped CD in her hands. She carefully ripped the paper off Blakes gift and gasped when she saw the album he got her.

Hard To Imagine The Neighbourhood Ever Changing.

*  *  *

hey guys, i've decided to take a step back, giving myself some space to work on my mental health.

from now on, i will be updating this book at least once a week, on friday, with occasional extra updates throughout the week. I hope you guys understand:)

ALSO (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT): i'm writing a new storythat has something to do with france and i need some help with language so if you're french can please hmu

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