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About four hours after she and Blake said goodbye, Blossom arrived at home. She practically fell down on her bed, tired from the day, that had been not only physically, but also emotionally tiring. Her eyes slowly closed as she fell asleep.

Fuck, she still needed to change, brush her teeth, and text Blake. Her eyes opened again.

She got up, getting her phone out of the pocket of her jacket, and looked up the number of the last missed call, that should be Blakes, right? She typed a short message telling that she got home safely, and stumbled to the bathroom. After that, she changed into sweatpants and an old shirt and went to bed.

Blossom was tired, but it was like she could not turn her brain off. Memories of all the awkward things she said and did last night crossed her mind, alongside moments of the concert, and thoughts about Blake...

It was weird, but for some reason, Blake seemed familiar to Blossom. She swore she'd seen him before, but she did not know when, where, or how, or if it was just something caused by sleep deprivation.

Blossom tried to stop her mind from trying to figure out where she could've seen Blake before and focused on her breathing, counting every breath. Slowly, her eyes closed, and she fell asleep.

The next morning, or more like, a few hours after falling asleep, Blossom woke up, due to the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door. "Blossom, you need to wake up," She recognised the voice of her brother. "I don't want to," she moaned. "You have to, I'm leaving for work in ten minutes and there's no one else to look after Aurora," "mmmkay," Blossom said, forcing herself to open her eyes.

A few minutes later, she dragged herself out of bed and down the stairs of the house. "Good morning, sis." "Good morning, Austin." Blossom looked at her brother. Besides the fact that they looked pretty alike, having the same ashy brown hair and the same brown eyes speckled with green, they were so different. His life seemed to be perfect, while hers was a mess.

Austin Reyes, one of the youngest surgeons that had ever worked in the hospital. Twenty-six years old, with a beautiful wife and daughter, letting his younger sister live in a room of their house because she could not bear to live with their parents any longer.

She suddenly felt very thankful for that. Austin got up from his seat at the kitchen table and wanted to walk past his sister, but she stopped him, hugging him tightly. "Wow, what's that for?" her brother asked, laughing.

"Thanks, for letting me live here," Blossom said. "It's no problem, Bloss, I've told you this too many times, the past months. You don't bother us, and Aurora really loves you. I don't think she'll ever want another babysitter." The siblings smiled at each other, after which Blossom got to the bathroom and took a long, hot, shower.

Days went by quicker than Blossom was used to, after the night of the concert. It could be because she'd decided to be an extra good aunt for Aurora, as a sort of thank you to Austin and Grace, but time probably felt like it was going by faster because Blake was constantly texting her.

She liked talking to him, a lot. He seemed to be genuinely interested in her, and that made her feel some type of way she did not really understand.

They also planned to meet each other again, a few days later. Blossom still felt like she knew Blake from somewhere, though, but she still hadn't figured out how she could know him. Yes, she'd been in Manchester before, but the chance that she had seen him there once was about as big as the chance that she would win the lottery.

Still, Blossom was excited for the next time she would meet up with Blake again, because he made her happy, ever since the last time that she'd seen him.

* * *
LIL UPDATE: i've decided to plan things out, because i'm terrible at updating frequently, and because it's a little easier for myself.
from now on, this book will be updated every wednesday, friday, and sunday. (it may differ if you're in a different time zone or something).


i'm so thankful for people actually reading this story, you guys don't even know.
ly lots:) ( and yeah i'm an emotional wreck atm you're right)

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