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"You know, there's one thing I really want to know," Blake said, a little while later. Blossom took a sip of her coffee but instantly regretted it, because the drink was still burning hot. "Go on," she answered. "How did you add songs to my playlist?" Interest flashed in his eyes.

"I have no idea, it just happened," The dark-haired girl stated, trying to drink some coffee again. "Wow, that's...weird." Blossom nodded, "I don't know what happened, I mean, I was adding songs to my own playlist and somehow it got mixed up or something...?"

Blake shrugged and folded his hands around the mug of coffee in from of him. "Spotify must've messed up somewhere," "I guess."

They both avoided each other's gaze, and Blossom found herself staring at Blake's hands. She noted how attractive his hands were, with all of those rings.

"I like your sweater," Blake spoke, after a terribly awkward time, that seemed like half an hour but probably was about twenty seconds. "Thanks," Blossom looked down at her coffee, "stole it from my dad," she added. Blake grinned. "Thanks for that information."

The corners of Blossom's mouth curled upwards in an apologising smile, "I'm sorry, I have this terrible habit of not really accepting compliments." "Guess we should change that," Blake stated. Blossom just shrugged. "I'm serious, I'm going to compliment you a little more, so you can learn," the boy described, "just like you do with me picking at my nails."

About half an hour later, Blossom sat down in her car, Blake sitting in the passenger seat. She'd offered to bring him home, but he did not want that because she's already driven all the way to Manchester to meet him. After a short discussion, Blake agreed that Blossom brought him to a subway station, so it would be easier for him to get home. It was about a fifteen-minute drive, according to Blake.

She started her car and loud music filled the small space. "Sorry," she exclaimed, quickly pushing the 'CD eject'-button on the dashboard. "A CD?" Blake asked, looking surprised, while Blossom pulled out of the parking spot. "Yeah," she nodded. "Damn." "I know, ancient technology," she exaggerated, rolling her eyes. "Eyes on the road," Blake laughed.

"Do you have more CD's?" "Yeah, they're in the glove compartment." Blossom could hear Blake open the place where she kept all of her music. "Can I choose one to listen to?" "Of course," Blossom heard him open a CD- case and within a few seconds, the music started.

She was surprised to hear the soothing first song of one of her favourite albums. "Harry Styles, good choice." "I know," Blossom could hear that Blake was smirking, "I'm still confused though, why do you still have CD's while you could use an aux cord?" "I don't really know," Blossom admitted, "I just like the vibe, I guess. When you listen to an album, no shuffle of repeat or random songs playing at the end, it just feels more... real?" "Interesting."

"You know, I almost moved to Manchester." Blossom shared when they were waiting at a red light, a little later. "Really?" She nodded, "I wanted to move out, so I and my friend agreed that we would move here. I applied to med school, but got denied, she applied for some artsy college, got in, so I decided to have a gap year and just move here for fun. But then she also got accepted into some really fancy college in London, so she moved there instead."

"Damn, that sucks," Blake sympathised. "Kind of, but when I think about it now, I'm actually happy, especially that I did not get into med school. Everyone in my family's some kind of doctor. My parents were surgeons, my brother too, his wife's a nurse. I just felt like I had to apply there. I'm thankful that I have time to find out what I want to do with my life."

"It's here, on the right," Blake interrupted. "Oh," Blossom quickly turned right and parked the car on the side of the road. "Thank you, for the fun time," She said, turning towards the young man next to her. "Well, you're not rid of me yet," Blake answered, causing Blossom to look at him in confusion, "Not for another four minutes."

Blossom realised he was referring to the music and heard the intro of one of her favourite songs on the album.

"Two ghosts, my favourite," She sighed, leaning back in her seat. "Really?" Blake's eyes filled with enthusiasm, "It is my favourite too!"

*  *  * 

yeah i'm great with time, another chapter uploaded too late. sorry.


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