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Time flew by and before Blossom had realised, it was Saturday, also known as the day that she would go to Manchester to see Blake again. She was happy, but sad and scared at the same time. 

It was less scary for her than the last time, since she knew that Blake was real and a very nice guy, but she still felt insecure about certain things. What if things got awkward and she started spilling all of her thoughts again? What if he turned out to be a rapist, or something worse?

Blossom had to drag herself out of bed because she felt like shit once again. She still wasn't over the night of the concert, when she had slept for about three hours, and last night she had been awake, worrying. Again. The girl knew that she should not worry that much, but she could not help it.

"Good morning!" Grace smiled at her, sitting at the kitchen table. "Hi," Blossom opened the fridge, grabbed a carton of orange juice, poured it into a glass, and chugged it. "Hey, it's not vodka," Grace joked. "I wish it was," Blossom sighed, sitting down. "What's going on?" Grace suddenly looked concerned. Blossom was silent for a few seconds. Did she want to tell the wife of her brother about Blake?

"Sorry," Grace smiled, "It's a habit, asking what's up. A nurse thing. If you don't want to tell me, it's okay." "No, actually, I think I want to tell you. Austin's at work, right?" The woman nodded. "Please don't tell him." Grace closed her mouth and pretended to lock it, after which she threw away the imaginary key.

"Well," Blossom looked at the table, "I met this guy. We're going for a coffee today, but I just don't know, if I, if he, you know," Grace probably did not understand it, but it felt great to Blossom that she could talk about her worries. "I mean, I met him on the internet, and he seems to be a great guy, I went to that concert with him, but I'm still worried, you know. That's also why I'm so tired lately, I stay up all night, worrying." "I get that."

She and Grace talked a little bit longer, but after that, Aurora started crying, so Grace had to check on her, and Blossom took a quick shower.

The conversation with Grace made her time to get ready significantly shorter since she also had to drive ninety minutes to Manchester. Blossom started doing her make-up but realised she would not have enough time to put on a lot of it. She quickly put on some concealer, mascara, and tried to make her eyebrows look decent.

Then, she got dressed, wearing an oversized black and white striped sweater, and her favourite pair of black jeans. She added a belt for some funky detailing. She looked in the mirror. She liked the way she looked, that day. Would he like it too...? No, no, don't think about that. He likes you or he doesn't.

Blossom's hands got a bit shaky when she realised it was time to go. She was nervous, very nervous, but she blocked out those feelings as good as she could.

She was going to Manchester, she was going to see Blake again, and she was going to have fun. Period.


hEY i'm sorry for any errors in this chapter but i kinda forgot to update and it's almost midnight rn and i just wanna go to sleep, I WILL EDIT THIS CHAPTER TOMORROW I PROMISE


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