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part II: in real life.

Blossom did not expect the drive to London to be so frustrating. A mix of excitement for the concert, fear of meeting Blake and figuring out if he was who he said he was, coursed through her veins.

Part of her wanted to turn around and go home, while another part of her wanted to be in London already. Worst of all, she got stuck in traffic, and her stressed mind made her believe that she would miss out on the whole concert.

Eventually, she came closer and closer to London, which meant she was coming closer and closer to meeting Blake. Blossom had planned to call Shay while she was driving, but she had been so nervous and frustrated that she kind of forgot.

Getting off the highway, the girl grabbed her phone, that was connected to the cars audio system, and told Siri to call her friend.

"Blossom?" Shay had picked up, even though it took a pretty long time.

"Hey, Shay, are you home?" Shay did not answer the question and Blossom heard someone mumble on the other side.

"Hey, look, Blossom. I'm very sorry, but I'm kinda... In the middle of someo- something. Can I call you back?"

"I guess," Blossom said, confused.

"Thanks. Love ya!" Without any further ado, Shay hung up.

"What the fuck?" Blossom muttered. This had never happened before. Did Shay just hang up on her because she was fucking someone? Blossom drowned in confusion.

Back home, at school, Shay always said that she wouldn't, you know, do it before marriage. Shay also was a very big supporter of "chicks before dicks". But, Blossom guessed that college changed Shay's vision on both of those things.

Shay would call her back, but Blossom realised that that would take a while and it was half past five already. She would arrive to the venue in about fifteen minutes, she would have to count on herself as a backup.

Fifteen minutes later, in which Blossom had a mental breakdown and multiple attacks of awkward laugher, she finally arrived. She still had to find a parking spot, though, and since the street in front of the venue already was very crowded, Blossom figured out that she would probably have to park far away. The girl drove to the nearest car park, where, luckily, were still a few spots vacant.

After the whole parking occurrence, Blossom had five minutes left before six, also know as the time she and Blake would meet.

Since she did not have any back up, the brunette decided she would wait somewhere across the street from the place where Blake said he would be, and she would only walk there if she saw a guy, that could be 19 years-old, with dark hair, wearing a black puffer jacket.

The venue, and also the Nando's were located at an intersection, so Blossom decided to stand at one of the corners of the street, while looking at both the venue and the storefront where Blake would be. Blossom felt scared, waiting there. Wasn't she too outstanding? If Blake happened to be some creepy guy, would he notice her, and know who she was?

She hoped not, and looking around at the sidewalks, which got more crowded every minute, she though she was safe. Her hands actually started to shake a little bit, thanks to the not so high temperature, and the nerves Blossom was experiencing.

After a few minutes of standing in the cold, she still had not spotted someone wearing a black puffer jacket. She was happy that she brought her earphones, so she could listen to some calming music while waiting and anticipating.

How long was this going to take?

*  *  *
i'm sorry if there's weird spelling mistakes but i couldn't properly check this chapter because i still have no wifi at home.
still hope you enjoyed the chapter tho
BTW THANKS FOR 1K READS (idk if i said this yet lol)

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