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Suddenly Blossom's phone rang. Shay was calling. "Hey! I'm so sorry about-" "It's okay." Blossom snapped. "Okay," Shay awkwardly laughed, "so what are you up to?" "Well, right now I'm at the Neighbourhood concert venue, waiting for some guy I met on the internet. He had a spare ticket to the show."

Shay laughed even harder, "What?" "It's a long story. I was actually calling you to ask you to be here with me, to make sure the guy isn't some creep, but you were in the middle of someone, right?"

Shay did not answer.

"Sorry. I'm just scared. Please don't take it personal," Blossom added. Shay sighed. "It's okay. And since I'm not there and I probably should have been, we'll call until you found the guy, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." "So, who are you waiting for?" Shay asked. "This guy I met because I added a song to the wrong playlist. Spotify bugged, or something." "Tell me everything, is he hot? What's his personality like?" "Well," Blossom suddenly started talking a lot less loud, "I don't know if he's hot, I mean, in his profile pic he looked cute but it wasn't a really high-quality picture. I only know that his name's Blake, he's nineteen years old, likes The Beatles and that he will be wearing a black puffer jacket."

"You haven't even FaceTimed him?" "Nope," She looked at the sidewalk in front of the Nando's again, but still no sight of anyone wearing a black puffer jacket. "Blossom Alexa Reyes, that is really dangerous and-" but, before she could finish her lecture, Blossom heard a voice beside her. "Hey, I like your shoes."

She turned away from the chicken restaurant, pulling one earphone out. "Thanks," The girl answered, out of habit. She looked up. A boy was standing in front of her. Dark hair, playful brown eyes, and a friendly, expectant smile on his face.

"No problem," the boy turned around and started walking towards the Nando's across the street.

When he was a few steps away, the realisation hit Blossom. He was wearing a black puffer jacket! And the codeword, he complimented her shoes! Her cheeks turned pink, knowing that Blake thought she wasn't Blossom. She felt pretty fucking stupid.

"Wait!" she said, "Blake....?" The guy turned around and his smile grew wider. "Blossom," They just stood there, smiling at each other. It seemed weird for everyone else, two people standing a few metres apart, just smiling at each other, but for Blossom, the moment felt magical.

Happiness coursed through her veins as she realised that it was real. Blake was real, and well, he looked a lot more interesting than she'd expected him to be.

"You are real," She said, still smiling. "I am," Blake answered. "You're not some creepy old man called Hector," The young man in front of Blossom grinned, "I'm not."

He stepped forward and stuck out his hand. Blossom awkwardly lifted her hand too, and when Blake grabbed her hand and shook it, she felt weirdly comfortable. His hand was warm and not sweaty, and she quickly realised that hers were.

"Blake Richardson," Blake said. "Blossom... Blossom Reyes," she muttered. "I like your name." Blossoms cheeks suddenly felt warm. "Thanks."

Then, Blossom seemed to realise she was still calling Shay. "Shay, It's okay, he's not some creepy dude," Blossom said into the microphone of her earbuds. "Great." "Okay, I'm going now," Blossom added before she hung up.

"Sorry," Blossom apologised to the boy, "I was calling my friend." "To make sure I wasn't pretending to be someone I'm not, I get it." Blake smiled.

They started walking. "So, tell me about yourself," Blake spoke. " Eh... What do you want to know?" He was silent for a bit. "You said you lived close to Manchester, right?" Blossom nodded, "Yeah, I live in Chapel-en-le-Frith, it's about a ninety-minute drive to Manchester." Blake smiled, "That's not that far away, especially if you compare it to how long it is to get here, in London." " I know! Driving for four hours straight is no fun."

"I don't have my drivers license yet," Blake said, looking a bit flustered, "I got here by train." "Oh."

Meanwhile, they had arrived at the end of the line to get into the venue. "I'm so excited!" Blossom exclaimed, looking up at the building. Blake nodded. "Me too."

Blossom looked around, an unknown feeling spreading through her body. She had been to concerts before, but this feeling differed from the excitement that you feel before seeing one of your favourite artists.

Maybe it had something to do with the dark-haired boy standing next to her?

* * *
yay they finally met!!
sorry for not updating for kind of a long time, i'll try to go back into posting regularly!!


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