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"So, what are we going to do now?" Blossom asked when they arrived at the park. "Aurora, what do you want to do?" Blake squatted so his face was at the same height as Aurora's, who's face was glowing of happiness. "I want to make a snowman!" "A snowman it is."

Blossom helped Blake and Aurora make the first part of the snowman, but then she just stood and watched how the young man played with her niece as if he had known her for a much longer time than an hour. She smiled. Blake's face was a little red, due to the cold, and he looked more attractive than ever.

"Hey, don't be lazy, help us give the snowman a face and arms," Blake yelled at her. "Okay, okay," Blossom laughed. They collected some branches, leaves, and little rocks.

"Where should these go?" Blossom asked her niece. "The eyes," Aurora decided. Blossom added the rocks to the snowman face. "That is the nose," the little girl said. Blake pushed a branch into the head of the creature. a few minutes later, the snowman had leaves for hair, branches as arms, and a smile consisting of pieces of confetti they'd found.

Blossom smiled at the sight of her little niece next to the snowman, which was way taller than the young girl. Aurora looked up at the snowman and the smile, that seemed to be plastered on her face, got even bigger. "His name is Mr Frost!"

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Blake asked, standing next to Blossom, who nodded.

"Being outside isn't that bad, right?" "It is, my hands are freezing off," the girl complained. "Come here," Blake held up his hands, taking hers, "to warm up," he smiled.

Blossom was happy that her face was already red, thanks to the very low temperature, otherwise, she would probably be a tomato by now. Holding Blake's hands made her feel comfortable, but uncomfortable at the same time.

Don't be like that, she thought. It was just holding hands. But, for some reason, it felt special.

"You know what we should do," Blossom prompted a few minutes later. Her niece was still looking at Mr Frosty with happy eyes. Blossom let go of Blake's hands and walked towards her niece, whispering something into her ear.

Blossom did not know how a young girl could be this enthusiastic, but she started jumping up and down, chanting "yes, yes, yes!"

"Snowball fight!" Blossom yelled, "girls vs. boys!" Blake looked surprised, and before he seemed to understand what was going on, he was being bombarded with snow. "This is not fair!" Blake exclaimed, jokingly, "you're together and I'm alone!" "You have Mr Frost!" Aurora said, throwing another snowball at him.

Blossom had made a lot of snowballs and now started throwing them too. She gave one to her niece, who had trouble aiming at Blake. "Just a little higher," Blossom encouraged the young girl. She threw the ball, and it hit Blake right in the face.

Blossom tried to keep down her laughter, but she couldn't. "Well done!" She laughed, high fiving the young girl. Blake took his chance and threw a snowball back, which hit Blossom on her leg. "Let's finish him," Blossom told Aurora, who nodded happily.

Within a few minutes, Blake was hiding behind Mr Frost. "I surrender!" he laughed, peeking at them from behind the snowman. He shouldn't have done that, because he got hit once again. Blossom asked her niece: "do you hear something?" Aurora shook her head and giggled.

"White flag! White flag!" The young man exclaimed, "please stop!" "Mr Frosty hasn't surrendered yet!" "What are you saying, Mr Frost? He surrenders too!" 

"Are you sure?" Blossom asked, throwing another snowball. "Very sure!"

"Will we let him go?" Blossom asked her niece. Aurora nodded. "Okay, okay, we accept your surrender. Now, let's go inside, I'm freezing."

"That was fun," Blake said when they entered the house. Blossom smiled. "It was, Mr Famous," "Stop calling me that!" "Nope." Blake rolled his eyes.

"But, what I wanted to say is," Blake touched Blossoms hand, "I'm really happy to be here, you know, today."

*  *  *

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