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"Honestly, I'm still pretty surprised that you're actually Blake," Blossom admitted, "I thought you would be this sixty nine-year-old, Venezuelan dude called Hector, that liked German folk music." Right when she had said that, she realised how stupid that sounded.

 "That is very specific," Blake answered, an amused smile on his face. A blush crept up Blossoms face. She had no idea what to say next, so she looked around the line, which got busier every second.

"So, what kind of music do you like?" Blake asked, a few minutes later, "I mean, besides The Neighbourhood." He gestured around at the line they were standing in. 

"I like a lot of different things," Blossom babbled, " I mean, some days I'm really into the kind of dark vibed music, like Nirvana and The Neighbourhood, but other days I listen to more alternative things like Indie. Sometimes pop is nice. Rap, occasionally."

Blake nodded, but he looked around the crowd like he was scared of something. "You?" She asked. "I also like a lot of different kinds of music, The Beatles, of course, The Vaccines. But I mainly listen to songs instead of artists, you know what I mean?" Blossom nodded, Blake continued talking, "Since you randomly added those Neighbourhood songs I like that kind of music too," he looked down at his hands, picking at his nails. 

Did that mean that he was nervous too?

"Don't do that," Blossom instructed, loosely grabbing one of his hands and pulling it away, making him stop. "What?" Blossom Immediately dropped his hand when she realised what she'd done. "I'm sorry," she stammered, "my little niece picks at her nails too and I have to correct her all the time," "It's okay."

Not long after, the doors of the venue opened. Blake got a few folded sheets out of his pocket and waved them in front of Blossom's face. "The tickets." 

"I see." Then, Blossom realised that she didn't even think about how much she ahd to pay for the ticket. "Fuck, I don't have any money with me," she gaped, "I can PayPal it to you, or something," She quickly added. 

"No, It's okay. My friend gave me the tickets for less than half of the original price."

Blossom wanted to accept that, she really wanted, but she just couldn't. She did not even know this boy, and he wanted to pay for her ticket? It seemed too good to be true. "Thanks, but I'll pay you back," She decided. 

He smirked, "No, you won't." "Yes, I will," They arrived at the doors. "Let's not discuss this," Blake said, handing the two tickets to a man that worked for the venue. "Have fun!" The host said. Blossom thanked him and followed Blake inside.

Even though Blossom wanted to persuade Blake to let her pay the ticket, when they walked into the venue she could not think properly. She was going to see one of her favourite bands, together with a pretty cute, and very kind, boy. Holy shit.

"Let's put our coats in a locker." 

Blossom nodded. 

When the two of them arrived at the room where the lockers were located, the brunette realised how underdressed she was. One look at the clothing Blake was wearing made her blush, again. He was wearing black pants and a blue button-up, tucked int his jeans, but unbuttoned so you could see the white shirt under it. 

Blake turned around and Blossom quickly took off her jacket, pretending to look at the locker behind him. "Give it to me, I'll put it in." Blossom smiled while handing Blake her coat, still thinking about the fact that her outfit seemed kind of dumb compared to his. She was wearing faded black jeans, an old shirt she stole from her brother and a denim jacket.

"Nice fit," Blake complimented her. A corner of her mouth lifted, she could not help it. "Yours is definitely better." She looked away from him, realising what she'd just said.

"Let's go to the actual concert hall," Blake said, after another awkward silence. "Yeah." They walked into the room, which was already pretty packed with people. Suddenly, Blake stopped walking and turned around. Blossom had not expected this and almost bumped into him.

"Do you care if everyone here will be hating us?" he said into her ear. "What do you mean?" Blossom yelled, since everyone around them was talking and she was too short to talk into his ear. A grin formed on Blake's face. "Follow me."

Blake grabbed Blossoms hand, which felt warm around hers, except for some parts of his fingers. She quickly realised that he was wearing a lot of rings. Blake helped her get through the crowd, towards the stage. People around them sent annoyed and angry glances their way, but the boy kept on pushing through until they were behind the front row.

"Yeah, I get why people may hate us now," Blossom squeaked. Blake just laughed. Then, the lights turned off.

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit I'm going to see The Neighbourhood."

*  *  *

another update yay:)

i really want to thank you guys!! the fact that there are people commenting and voting on this story makes me very happy and motivates me so much!! even though i may not answer to everyone's comments (we love social awkwardness), know that i"m very thankful.



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