28: Butthurt

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Authors Note:

I've decided to try and speed up the pace of the book. The chapters are too long for them to only encapsulate short periods of time. i think I'm dragging out parts that shouldn't be dragged out. Regardless, I'll still have detail and it'll be eventful!! :)))

Wish you all the best! Thankyou for reading!



"You sure you're okay?" Mara asked, worriedly looking over Jungkook's face. He laid in bed at the infirmary, a couple hours after Mara's attempt at leaving the camp. He had seemed fine before, and giving him a good scan, she didn't see any paleness or oddity on his face.

"No, I'm dying," Jungkook nonchalantly shrugged, sighing and laying back into bed comfortably. He peeked at Mara's shocked expression from behind closed lids and snorted.

"Not funny," Mara muttered.

Jungkook chuckled, "The more you get accustomed to death, the less scary it becomes."

Mara mulled over his words, wondering if those kind of jokes were a way for Jungkook to cope with the inevitability of death. People coped different ways, and albeit a bit grim, she could see the underlying comfort. Mara said nothing in response, and she was offered a meaningful look from Jungkook.

In regards to her pitiful attempt at running away, Jungkook unexpectedly offered his silence. She had hoped for that, considering it would only raise more suspicion and possibly place Jimin under scrutiny. Truthfully, she had felt quite embarrassed to look Jungkook in the eyes, but his lighthearted tone and nonjudgmental gaze offered repose. He seemed like one to forgive and forget, and grudges for him were something he could easily brush off.

Oh, she wished to be like him.

"It's just an upset stomach but I'll be okay. I just don't want to be throwing up out there," Jungkook spoke seriously this time.

Mara adjusted herself on the foot of the bed, nodding, "Ahh. Was it something you ate? Or maybe something you might've been around?" She inquired. Jungkook put on a thoughtful look, pursing his lips and then shrugging.

"I don't know. Jin makes the same food all the time so I doubt it's something I ate," Jungkook commented, seeming to not really care about the cause. Meanwhile, Mara grew to worry about the cause of Jungkook's sudden nausea and stomach aches.

Mara sighed, "Oh well. As long as you get better."

Jin walked out of the lodge, eyes scanning the large front yard for someone in particular. The wind blew his hair and the sun brightly shone in his face, prompting him to shade his eyes with his hand. He stood there for a bit, a large breath leaving his chest.

Suddenly he was met with an outstretched hand. It held a cap out to him, gesturing for him to take it. Jin followed the length of the arm, eyes meeting Taehyung's glinting gaze. Jin's frown slowly disappeared, and he looked back down at the hat, taking it and putting it on.

He smiled at Taehyung, who warmly smiled back and nodded, "Morning."

Jin sighed, "I don't know how good of a morning this will be."

Taehyung bore a confused smile, "Why?"

"Jungkook says he doesn't feel good. He's got an upset stomach," Jin muttered, expression growing solemn as he looked back out into the yard.

"Oh," Taehyung's smile faltered, "Is he okay?"

Jin nodded, "Yeah. But...ya know, I wouldn't feel comfortable letting him go out with Namjoon today. He's immunocompromised as it is. If his defenses are low, he could...He could catch something," Jin looked uncomfortable.

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