3: Projection

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A vital hit to the head is all it took. You could decapitate a brute, dismember it, gut it, the like, but the virus would remain alive well within the capacity of the brain. Whatever the brain could control while it was alive, was what it used as a means to get to you.

I will admit, the virus had a way of deceiving you. In the month I was separated from my parents in the camp, I watched several people turn, including children. Disease spread only through saliva and blood, and sometimes in dead bodies. It took no more than those three days for the brute to be lunging at you. You wouldn't know it until they threatened to take a bite out of you like you were some precious piece of stake.

I don't know about you brutes, but I prefer my steak to be medium rare, not raw.

Kuru, despite turning people into mindless walking corpses, had a couple of tricks up its sleeve. I heard rumors that in the first few days of turning into a brute, the virus would somehow mimic breathing. A brute's chest would rise and fall as if its lungs were anything close to functional, and it often fooled people into thinking that their loved ones were somehow still alive or "still in there." I knew that losing someone you loved wasn't easy, and in this world, there was no time for grief. That same grief was exploited by Kuru, and it ended in more than one body turning into a flesh-craving monster.

Despite me gassing up the potential exterminators of human kind for a bit, I will say that I enjoy their (second) demise, as well as their clumsiness.

On days where life seems to come to a stand still, I enjoy looking out of the window. I enjoy taking breaks and thinking about anything else that can distract me from having so many responsibilities. The world's a tough crowd, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't enjoy the fact that I'm still alive.

I sometimes sit by the window and watch the brutes that wander the barren streets. I find it hilarious watching them trip. Their legs get tangled up, and because the brutes don't have reflexes (that I know of), it is a sight to see when their faces make hard contact with the hot asphalt. It gets better when there is a brute following suit, falling like a sack of sand atop the brute that had attempted to get up, only to be slammed back down by the next to fall.

Sometimes, when there are many brutes following one another and one happens to fall, it becomes a brute domino line. One by one, as a result of the other, the brutes fall forward and knock each other down. The brutes stack up, helplessly pinned to the ground by their fellow cannibals.

It cheers me up a bit, especially when they stand back up and their faces are smashed and cracked. Their noses bend the wrong way that I can't help but cackle.

They are the stupidest forms of life.

More useless than sloths, as cute as sloths may be.

No shade.

I currently look out of the window, secured by the four walls of the room and the large shelf against the door.

The sky is bright today again. The sun is a sweltering ball of hot gas and I hope for it to rain soon. It hasn't rained in a while and I need to start collecting water again.

After the incident a couple of days ago, I decided to take one of my breaks, thinking it'd be best to avoid injuring myself further and potentially preventing myself from collecting more resources. I couldn't slack off for too long, though. I still had many things I needed to gather, a couple of places to take a look at, and a body to maintain. In this day and age, you couldn't really go to the gym, but running from those brutes and even bad people was enough to get your blood pumping.

I hate running, but being lazy won't get me anywhe-

A loud scream interrupted my train of though. Jolting forward, I scanned the small crowd of brutes that had suddenly appeared. I'd been zoning out for a while that I hadn't noticed them at all. Some seemed to be wandering in a specific direction, and despite the window I currently faced, I could not press my face into the glass enough to see anything.

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