Chapter 14

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She looked at me with fear in her eyes, she told me I should better sit down. „She has 8 broken ribs, internal bleeding and a herniated disc which they are trying to fix now, it doesn't look good Logan" she could barely look at me, her face was complete pale and she pulled out her phone to call Luke, probably to see where he was.

„Are they operating on her right now?" I asked, my voice was shaky and my hands felt so cold, she didn't deserve this, this was not supposed to be my Rory. „Yes, they called up an emergency operating room and now they're doing the best they can." I stood up in complete panic „Who is operating? I need to speak to the person in charge, I will-" She grabbed my hand and made me sit down „There is nothing we can do Logan, please calm down." Her voice was quite calm, she was under a lot of shock, so much she wasn't her usual bubbly, cheerful self.

Luke came inside with Jess, holding coffee for everyone, Lorelei took one and I shook my head, giving Jess the meanest death stare possible. „Logan, can we talk?" He asked me, was he serious about this? What the actual fuck? He should be happy he can still walk. I quickly stood up and walked with him to a corner. „Look Huntzberger, we never really saw eye to eye and I'm totally okay with that." I looked down at him, getting more pissed by each second „and your point being?" I crossed my arms. „but I am not giving up on her, I know you love her, that is something that I can't change, but I will never stop being there for her, I love her way too much to do that."

I pointed into the direction of the room where Rory was being operated on „maybe if you loved her just a little bit more she wouldn't be in this position now, have you thought about that?" I asked him, feeling my whole body rage at him. This would've never happened if he had just stepped aside and be a man. I am the one Rory is supposed to be with, It was always supposed to be me. „You think I did this on purpose?" He stepped closer to me, having that stupid confused look on his face. „All that I know is that my Rory isn't okay and you're the fucking cause of that!" I pushed him out of my way and walked back to Lorelei and Luke.

Hours have passed, I haven't moved from my chair, people have offering me coffee and tea, but I didn't even bother to respond, I only shook my head, not really wanting to speak to anyone. As soon as the doctors came to us I jumped up to hear news. „I have good news." That made me instantly smile hopefully. The doctor told us that Rory's condition is stable, I felt my heart calm down instantly. „What about the baby?" I asked. „The baby is fine." I saw Lorelei sit down again in relief.

„She is asleep, you may see her." I looked at Lorelei, she gave me a nod, letting me know that It's okay for me to go inside first. I walked inside to see her petite body laying on the bed, she had the hospital gown on and looked so pale, well, she was always pale, but especially now, she must have lost so much blood. She had scars all over her beautiful face and it made me feel horrible. I was so glad that she was okay, I was never this scared in my life.

I sat down next to her and took her hand. „Ace..." I smiled a little at how her hand was still warm and fit perfectly into mine. I kissed it gently. „I was so scared Ace." I felt a small tear flow down my cheek onto her small hand, I whipped it away with my thumb. „I cannot imagine a world where you're not in it, that is not my world and I won't live in it." I smiled a little through the tears, placing a strand of her hair away from her face. She was never not beautiful. It was physically impossible for my Rory to not be beautiful. She was pale, with scars and big dark blue under eye circles, but nothing could make her less than breath-taking.

„I love you Ace, I will protect you, always." I smiled and held her hand to my lips, kissing it over and over again lightly, her skin was so soft. The beeping of her heart rate was like Mozart himself was playing, music to my ears. I smiled and heard „Logan" from the back, I turned my head around to see Lorelei standing behind me, she walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. „She is so strong." She said, I nodded „the strongest person I know." I smiled, looking down at how peaceful Rory was laying there. „You know she loves you deeply Huntzberger." I let out a small laugh, I nodded, confirming that I knew. „I just really hope that she knows that I love her too." I stood up and looked at Lorelei. „I think she does." I smiled at her and left the room.

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