Chapter 16

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It was horrible that I couldn't get myself to be peacefully happy, every time I felt like everything was okay with me and her, something bad has to happen. I was happy, just... nervously happy, I could still feel the regular butterflies and all, but there was still something in me that constantly reminded me to be suspiciously cautious as to when the moment will come where everything will come crashing down on us.

Rory finally saw that after all of these years, it really was supposed to be me and her. God, she smelled good even in a hospital. I smiled to myself, watching her sleep was calming me down a little, I softly stroke her hair while she slept. It was a beautiful sight, she looked relaxed. I could finally picture myself in a smiling future. Up until now all that I ever saw was me in a ton of work, successful at what I do, but never with a smile. Right now, I can see myself, with Rory, our baby... and an actual smile on my face.

I stood up to get some coffee, I walked up to the vending machine only to see Lorelei already standing there. „I thought I would see you here." I smiled, lost for things to say. „Well, I am a stress coffee drinker." She smiled back at me, pointing at her large coffee cup. „Rory is asleep." I informed her, she nodded „That's good, sleep is always good." She was nervous, I could tell, Rory and she had the same ticks when they were nervous or stressed, pacing around, not being able to form a sentence without her voice cracking, they were both hilariously obvious. Just as I turned around I heard her say „Logan can we talk?" I smiled „We are quite famous for our talks, sure Lorelei." I said and we sat down.

„Listen," She started. „There are reasons, far beyond my understanding I must say, as to why Rory doesn't know how to stay away from you. However Logan, she always jumps head first when it comes to you. Now, that is both stupid and unusual for her. But, It is her wish and there is not much that I can say." I had to interrupt her „I love Rory, you know that."

„I do know that, and I know that she loves you, that is not what I'm concerned about." I knew very well where all of this is heading, and I must tell you, I wasn't very pleased by it but I understood her, Rory was everything to Lorelei, she was her world and everything was circling around her. „And if you know that, then you know that I would never do anything to hurt her." She looked at me and formed a small smile. „But, it's not just her this time." She said, did she really think I wasn't thinking about him? „Lorelei, I..." I took a deep breath and continued „I will take care of him, it is my child, too." I said with a proud smile, I don't know how this came about, but every time I mentioned my son, that silly grin came onto my face, I instantly grow twice in size, feeling strong and over protective.

„Rory is the one girl that I have ever felt this way. She is still my world, and this baby, he will always be safe, I will keep him safe, both of them, always." She placed a hand on my shoulder, she looked relaxed, she trusted me. „Well that is good, otherwise I will have to put all of my knowledge from „How to get away with murder" into good use." We both laughed for a second. She then stood up to say „Now, I gotta go put my „Criminal Minds" knowledge to use and deal with my mother." And with a big, Gilmore girls smile she left to search for Emily.

After a while of staring at my coffee I called Honor to let her know what was going on. She was very relieved when she heard that Rory and the baby were doing good. I walked back to Rory's room to see her doctor standing outside, talking to Emily and Lorelei. Lorelei turned to me and joyfully said „Rory will be able to go home tonight, under watch, of course." She smiled. „I will take her home, if... that is alright." I looked at them and Lorelei smiled.

After another two hours, Rory finally woke up, I was sitting next to her on the visitors chair „Hey Ace." I said with a smile, saying that felt so natural, it felt good to say it each time. She fixed her hair quickly, and sat up. „My head is about to explode." She giggled and held her hand. I sat next to her on the bed. „I could take you home if you want, it's your call." Her face lit up, she really didn't like hospitals. „Can we... please?" I nodded, she didn't have to say anything else.

I packed up her things, gave her her fresh clothes to change into, and handed her her make up bag. „My mom really thought of everything." She smiled, pulling out her cleaning wipes and moisturising cremes. I nodded, smiling. She doesn't have to know that I know everything about her, what she likes, what she uses. I listen to her, i love listening to her, absorbing her, the things she enjoys, the products she always re-buys. After a while, your brain filters out what is important, the memories that you don't often recall fade away, well, all memories of her are still vivid in my mind.

I grabbed her bags and helped her up, she hugged her grandma and Lorelei and we made our way to my car. „Are you driving me to my place?" She asked with that adorable look on her face that she used like a spell on my when she needed something from me. „Only if you want me to." I said, careful of almost every word I would say, not wanting to hurt her, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. I guess my fear of being too happy was kicking in, I was scared and careful for no real reason. „Well, where do you live?" I smiled „My apartment in New York." I answered. „Show me." She said and got into the car, I helped her get inside of course, I could see her reactions, she was in pain, I hated it.

Once we arrived, I helped her inside, it was a nice car-ride, we laughed and sang to some of our favorite song, spending time with her like this was precious to me. Once we arrived into the apartment, I placed her bags on the table. She looked around, „It's so dull." She giggled, that was so typical of her, I had to smile at her. „Well, I'm sure you can fix that in no time." I walked up to her and placed my hand on her stomach. „You can barely see that you're pregnant." I observed her body, stunning is how I would describe it. She looked up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

We were sitting on the couch, well, I was sitting, and she was laying, with her head on my lap, on a pillow. I was stroking her hair, it was a quiet and peaceful moment for the both of us. „I read your letter." I said, really nervous about her reaction, was this the moment? The moment after happiness? She sat up and turned around, looking straight at me. I could't read her mind. I was worried again. „I was going to bring you your laptop, and I-" „I though my mom got me my stuff." She looked at me confused and I shook my head, she looked very surprised for a second there.

„It was addressed to you, you were supposed to read it after all." She said. „Do you... still mean the things that you wrote?" I asked, being very careful about my choice of words. „I will always mean those words." Her voice was low, almost as a whisper. „There is nothing that can ever change that." Those words, it was just what I wanted to her from her, it was beautiful and honest, that's all I ever needed. She will always be what I need.

„Rory?" I asked and she snuggled up closer to me. „Mine?" She asked me, placing her hand on my face, it was so warm. I nodded and said „Yours." And with that I kissed her, a kiss that I could spent the rest of my life trying to explain, but no word that I know could ever explain how it made me feel. I was right where I was supposed to be and there was no way I could ever let her go again, my Ace.

Mine? Yours.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum