03 | calamitous nights

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when the day bleedsinto nightfall

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when the day bleeds
into nightfall

everything I've drowned
inside my head
is rising up
like the white moon

all the stars out
look so distant
and suddenly
hope seems like a stupid dream

they always tell me
don't give up
and that
I can take it
one day at a time

but the voices
they get louder
and just within
the nick of time

tears are streaming
down my face
and I'm wondering
if this is even worth it

is this life
even worth it

torn between
if a life's worth living
if you're not
really living at all

I lock all those
thoughts and voices up
inside the corner of
my melancholy mind -

when day breaks
from the dark night

➵ majestic nightmares | ✗Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora