For a few minutes we don't speak. We hold onto each other in silence. A few rounds of thunder go off outside. It's funny how weather can go along with moods.

"Zayn. Ariana. Girls, let's go." My mum called from the desk. A male nurse is beside she and my father. I assume he is going to direct us to Arshiya's room.

My assumptions were correct because five minutes later, we find ourselves in front of a door to a room. There are pictures and different symbols on the door, a comforting sign.

This hospital is covered in child like things; pictures on the walls and different paintings. This is a children's hospital and they did a good job at designing it.

(A/N no one has been updated really on what's been going on with her in real life so it's going to go as I intended it to.)

"She's in this room right here." The nurse said. He gives us a sad smile. "I am responsible for telling you that there are quite a few IV's in her arms and she doesn't look too good. In my opinion, I would leave the children younger than 10 with another adult out here because the condition of Arshiya is not very appropriate for them."

I look at Ariana and she looks at me. Ariana holds onto our daughters shoulders. "Delaney is 6. How would we leave her out here if we all want to go in?"

"I suppose it wouldn't be a problem for her to wait with us in the office. There are some toys in there we keep for situations like this. Only if you want to. It's your decision whether or not she goes in to Arshiya's room or not." He explained.

"Yeah, I don't think it's good for Delaney to see." Ariana agreed with him and looks at me. I nodded, agreeing too.

"I'm 10. I've seen her before." Safaa said, crossing her arms.

"Well then I suppose you could go inside, right?" He questioned her, his eyebrows risen. Safaa nodded.

"When you're ready, I'll take the little one." The nurse said.

I watch Ariana turn Delaney to face her. "This nice man is going to take you to play with some toys, okay?"

"Where are you goin'?" Delaney asked nervously.

"To see Arshiya honey. You're just going to play with toys right now. I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?" Ariana said, soothingly.

"Okay." Delaney responded, looking shyly at the nurse. He smiles at her and offers her his hand.

Delaney takes it and follows the nurse away. Before I can no longer see them anymore, I hear him ask her what her favorite princess is.

"Elsa." She had responded and Ariana and I smile at each other.

"Are you guys ready?" Mum asked and we all nodded. My dad opens the door and let's my mother walk in first. Then we all follow her inside and my dad trails behind.

When I see Arshiya laying on the bed with her eyes shut, my heart races. I hear Ariana suck in a harsh breath when she sees her herself.

Arshiya is pale as a ghost. Her hands lay beside her body, still. There are cords everywhere connected to different places all over her arms and chest.

I stand still as ever and watch my mum walk closer to her. She places a hand on her stomach and looks at her closely. Tears are swelled up in her eyes.

It's silent other than sniffles that I now hear. I look to Ariana but she doesn't have any emotion on her face as she looks at Arshiya. Then I look to Waliyha who has tears down her cheeks and I know then that she's the source of the sniffles.

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