vi. one shot, two shots

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Yeonjun stares at you in concern as you take another shot of the drink Rosé recommended you, your movements clearly drunken and loose. He had a feeling something was up with you the moment you sat down and asked for a beer. He had never seen you so upset. Your eyes told it all.

No one else noticed though. They were too busy eating and laughing with each other, leaving one by one after to go to the bar or do karaoke. You skipped out on karaoke. So did Yeonjun.

So now it's just you two. Yeonjun can't drink because he's too young to drink and instead, watches you drink away your feelings. He monitors you carefully, making sure you don't drink too much.

But it's a little too late for that.

He watches as what seems to be the millionth shot comes by and he tells the bartender to ignore your demands for more shots. You clearly had too many and were definitely drunk as hell.

The bartender nods before asking nicely if you needed an Uber or a taxi home. Yeonjun thanks her but says that he'll drive you home.

Hopefully you don't throw up in his new car his mom got him as a present.

"Okay Ms. _______ , let's get into the car."

You shake your head but it seems more like a sleepy nod, "But I want more juice."

Yeonjun sighs, shaking his head as if he was scolding a child, "No ______ . That type of juice isn't good for you. Come home with your good friend Yeonj-"

"But I want Jimin." Your voice suddenly becomes quiet and sad, your fingers aimlessly placed on your lap as you spoke. But Yeonjun wasn't sure that what you were saying what even true. If you and Jimin weren't friends, why would you want him? You continue your drunken thoughts, "I miss him. A lot."

Yeonjun frowns, "You'll see him at work tomor-"

"No!" You cut him off furiously and the poor boy jumps at how aggressive you've suddenly become, "I want the real him! The real Jimin!"

He nods, feeling as if he now understands why you feel like you've seen a ghost everytime you're in the same room as Jimin. He's a ghost of his former self.

Yeonjun sighs, realizing that you're just letting all your thoughts spill out to him. You continue to do so, although some things don't seem to make sense.

"Do you think my Jimin got abducted by aliens and an alien Jimin is in his place?"

Like that. Yeonjun had no idea how to respond to that. And as you continue to babble about aliens and Jimin for some reason, he realized that he's facing a new problem.

How on earth is he going to take you to his car willingly and without a drunken fight? He's never seen you drunk before and doesn't know if you'll attack him or something. All of his co-workers were either drunk like you, ignoring him or just passed out from exaustion. He rolls his eyes. It was only the first day of work yet, when their boss takes them to eat, they go all out. (Something Yeonjun personally doesn't like doing.)

As he's thinking about a solution, you're rambling suddenly stops and he looks up at you. You suddenly get up. He copies almost immediately, his eyes wide in both fear and anticipation.

"I'm gonna go confront him again. Tell him what's on my mind."

Yeonjun ignore your statement and just lightly grabs your wrist to prevent you from leaving the booth. Seeing you all pissed off was truly a scary sight, even more so when you were flat out drunk but he thought that not even the jerk you make Jimin out to be deserves a drunken you yeling at him.

You, however, just mumble a couple of profanities at the young boy before willingly sitting down and deciding then and there to start texting Jimin a piece of your mind.

" ______ ? What are you- oH NO!"

Yeonjun is quick to notice your fast typing but fails to successfully take away your phone. You stand up on your chair and raise your hand high, making yourself taller. Getting second hand embarrassment, he quickly gestures for you to sit down, glaring at you to convince you in some way.

To his luck, you just stick your tongue out like a child and continue texting as if your fingers never left the screen. Once you sit down, he manages to swipe it away in an instant, making you whine.

He glances down at your phone, only to see texts to Jimin in all caps. And with terrible spelling. He sighs, watching as Jimin reads immediately and starts typing but he locks your phone before letting himself see it. He suddenly wished he could make Jimin unseen it all and save it you from embarrassing yourself. You would hate yourself in the morning for this.

Meanwhile, you now stare into nothingness, as if your energy was suddenly drained. He stares back at you for a moment before sighing again and placing your phone in your purse.

"Come on ______ . Let's take you home."

Your head shoots up rapidly, "Okay!"

To Yeonjun's surprise, you willingly follow him into the car, not throw up in his new car and was able to tell where your house was. You just mumbled a couple things every now and then but that was it.

Yeonjun was impressed. Were you sobering up? Does alcohol wear off fast?

You hiccup lightly, pointing to your apartment building from the car window, "That's my treehouse!"

Maybe not.

"You are one strange, crazy and scary drunk." He mumbles, shaking his head as he pulls the car to a stop in the building's parking lot, "Now come on. I have to take you up to your house."

You snort, gently ruffling his brown hair, "You sure act like like a big brother what's-your-face."

Although your drunken self forgot his name, Yeonjun smiles proudly at the thought of being like a brother to you. He always saw you as a sister, since he never grew up with brothers or sisters and felt happy to know you saw him as family too. He had always felt close to you when you chose to take him under your wing after Taehyung left and no one wanted to take him. He realized then and there that he would help you out whenever you needed it and give you all the love and respect you deserve as his senior, friend and sister-like figure in his life.

Much to his delight, Yeonjun manages to unlock your door with your keys and just quickly places you in bed, not wanting to create an awkward scene he always sees in dramas.

He quickly places a glass of water and medicine, after spending at least five minutes trying to find some type of medicine he googled for hangovers and a small note for your sober self. He smiles softly at the sight of you safe and sound and goes to leave but your small voice stops him.

"Yeonjun." You call out softly, your voice sounding a bit normal now but still slurred a bit, "Do you think Jimin and I could ever be back to normal?"

His heart breaks at your sudden sadness. He wished he could help you with Jimin but he can't invade your life like that. It would be a disaster. Besides, he didn't even know your history with Jimin or Jimin himself well enough. What would he know whether or not they can go back to normal?

He just sighs, choosing his words carefully, "That's for you and Jimin to decide. Goodnight ______ ."

"Goodnight. And thank you."


this was more focused on he relationship between you and yeonjun despite this being a jimin fanfic but WHO CARES

we all love yeonjun. we stan him and his platonic, brotherly love for the reader and his want for her to have the best.

and i loved writing this chapter so so much like, 😍😍

but anyways, the drama is unfolding and soon, i might serve some tea soon..... 👀👀

but until that chapter comes..... enjoy this cute chapter of you and yeonjun!!

signing off,

xo jhopefulIy

(edit: so- my gif isn't working which ruins my whole format...... is it working for you guys?)

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