v. we meet again

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Jimin finishes singing a little bit of his cover for you, shyly playing with his fingers. You happily clap for him and he lights up at the small praise.

"Did you really like it?"

You nod, "Of course I do Chim! You have the voice of an angel. Your voice is absolutely stunning."

He blushes deeply at the praise you give him. He always loves hearing what you have to say to him.

"Thanks _____ . What would I do without you?"

Although the team didn't have much to go on, you saw that they worked hard today and tried to best to at least start brainstorming ideas. You felt proud of your team and decided to go treat them to a dinner.

"______ , you are the best!" An intern by the name Felix says, making you giggle, "I can't wait to eat until I am stuffed."

"Hey! Just remember who's paying for you guys." You playfully remind the boy, as well as the others.

He chuckles, "That's exactly my point."

The group cheer happily while you playfully whine at them, making them laugh.

But as you go to your car, you realize that you're missing one really important thing: your wallet.

You groan, "Guys, I think I left my wallet in my office."

Everyone erupts into gasps and boos.

Rosé pretends to cry, earning a snort from a Argentinian girl named Valerie, "Who's gonna pay for our food now?!"

You roll your eyes, "Still me, just go on ahead. I'll meet you there."

"Okay! Don't leave us to pay for our food alone!"

You dismiss the comment with a wave and a laugh, shaking your head as you swipe your badge to enter the building again.

This group was a mischievous bunch, childish and energetic but they get their work done and that's something you can admire. Hopefully as time goes by, you can get to know them better. After all, it's only been a day and people can change.

You sigh, unlocking your office door with a quick swipe of our badge. The door swings open to reveal your small office, starting to become a mess after only a day. You spot your wallet hidden underneath some sheet music you were writing on with Yeonjun and quickly grab it and lock your door.

You start to head towards the exit when you collide right with a taller figure. You groan, rubbing your head. Whoever this was had to be made out of bricks or something because it hurt. A lot.

"Watch where you're going." You tell the person, not even sparing a glance, "You could really hurt someone. Stupid."

Although the last part was muttered, the person still heard it and responded to your comment.

"Now that's not very nice, now is it Ms. _____ ?"

You feel both your body tense up and your blood boil. Two very different emotions wrapped into one. It made you feel terrible.

But Jimin always made you feel terrible.

You turn to see none other than the man himself, his arms crossed and smirk present. It almost makes him look like a stereotypical jerk.

You raise an eyebrow, "Can I help you Mr. Park?"

He pouts, almost taunting you in his own way but quickly returns to a soft gaze. You blink for a moment, wondering how he went from 100 - 0 really quick.

"How have you been?"

You shrug, "Same as I've always been. You?"

He shrugs as well, putting his hands in his pockets, a nervous habit you would always notice, "I'm good. I'm happy to see you again."

You don't respond to that and Jimin tilts his head to your silence.

"Don't you miss me?"

You narrow your gaze at him, ignoring the sudden soft spot you felt for him after he said those words to you, "What do you think?"

He shakes his head, the softness in his eyes slowly hardening, "Still difficult to talk to, as always. Typical _____ ."

You scoff at his comment, "Do you think that after all we've been through, I would just let you back into my life with open arms?"

He nods his head, "Kinda. It's been years."

"Yeah and it still hurts Jimin. A lot. Look, what you did to me will never be forgiven. I can't forgive you." You feel your heart beat rapidly against your chest, creating a slight pain. You clench your hands in the hopes it would fade, "At least I can't forgive you now."

"You're so childish." Jimin rolls his eyes at you, now glaring at you.

You pause for a moment, chuckling at his words. The same ones you've heard from his lips before.

"And I guess you've changed. The Jimin I knew, isn't here." You pause, staring at the contacts that cover his soft brown eyes, "And maybe he never existed."

"You've got to be kidding me." He steps closer to you but you step back, "I'm still your Jimin. Your best friend."

"No you're not. Jimin, I can't forgive you. Maybe I will but certainly not now. Not after I've seen who you've become and how you act." You muster up all the courage you can and say the words you've always wanted you say to him since he became famous as to step just a little but closer to him "Oh and by the way, just remember who made you famous and who you step on on your way there. Maybe that'll stop you from creating a fantasy of us in your head."

You don't let him speak after that and just walk away to your car, your shoulders suddenly become lighter and you can breath easier. Saying what you've always wanted to say to him was almost therapeutic and made you feel better about your past. It was as if you almost gave comfort to the nineteen year old you who was crying her eyes out after everything she's been through.

But then at the same time, why didn't it feel right? Why did you still want to talk to Jimin?

You sigh deeply.

I need a drink.



jimin is the worst, huh?

don't worry! both have their reasons as to why they act that way towards each other. it'll all be revealed.......eventually.

this story, as i'm writing it is becoming more and more longer than i hoped and i'm both happy and sad about that. happy bc YAY NEW IDEAS and sad bc i only wanted short stories so i could write more stories in a short period of time.

but OH WELL.

be on the look out for more of this story and i hope you liked this chapter!!

signing off,

xo jhopefulIy

(p.s: anyone here play bts world?? if so let me know and tell me your code so we can send each other wings!! 💜 )

songwriter // pjmWhere stories live. Discover now