iv. creative team

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"Hey ______ ?"

You look up at him as he tosses his guitar pick in the air mindlessly, "Yeah Chim?"

"What would you say if I became a singer?" You stop reading your book and put your full attention on him.

You purse your lips, thinking carefully, "I'd say go for it! You can make it far with that voice of yours."

He stops throwing the pick and looks up at you with bright eyes, "You think so?"

"I know so."

You blink away the memory, watching as Jimin steps into the recording booth once again to do a warmup exercise. Yeonjun is at the door, waiting for the rest of the creative team so that you can start discussing ideas.

Yoongi is at the mixer along with a young girl named Adora, a pair of headphones atop both of their heads. You watch silently, only there to observe Jimin and how he sings in he hopes to start thinking of a song for him.

"Okay Jimin, just start whenever."

He shakes his nerves off a bit before starting to sing what you assume was one of his songs.

You listen closely, putting all your personal feelings aside and turning into your professional self. You tap your fingers lightly to the beat on your arm.

It had been a while since you've heard Jimin's voice and he sounds like he's improved so much. His runs are much cleaner and flow more easier and his tone is more rich. It's as almost as if his tone and his voice are like warm honey and you smile softly to that thought.

To generalize, his voice is both soft and powerful and easily dips between the two levels of gentle and rough depending on the song's feel. His voice is unique to others that you've heard. It had always been unique but hearing him now, he was practically oozing with talent.

Before you can hear him reach his final note, Yeonjun taps your shoulder to direct your attention to the rest of your creative team, who have been watching Jimin with attentive eyes.

Once he finishes, the room gives him a round of applause, which he shyly accepts.

Yoongi turns to face the crowd and nods softly, "So you all heard his voice, huh? Your brains now filled with some ideas for a song?"

The team nods excitingly and Jimin smiles at them, his adorable eye smile on display for all to see. You almost crack a smile at him.


"Okay so, for the next couple of months, this and the other studio next door, will be your home. It'll be difficult to process that idea but it'll become easy real quick." Yoongi says as if he's done this all before, which he has, "You will all try your hardest to help create a song for Mr. Park Jimin here. Remember, all your ideas are filtered and put together with and  through Ms. ______ . She's your leader on this creative team."

You waves at your new team and they all wave back. Some of them look happy to be around you and in the studio. Others are still in awe of Jimin. Some like Lailani are just outright ignoring you. You don't pay attention to that though.

Yoongi continues his speech, "She reports to me and/or Jimin at the end of each week to discuss what's going on and what to look forward to. Jimin and I will also pop up from time to time to see what's up. It's gonna be a long couple of months but I think we can do it."

Yoongi turns to smile softly at you and you nod in reassurance. You and your team could do it.

You turn to look at your team once more, only to see Lailani attempting to flirt with Jimin, who seems unreadable in the situation and Yeonjun playing a hand game with the producer beside Yoongi, Adora.

songwriter // pjmWhere stories live. Discover now