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"John?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

"Go AWAY!" I heard him cry.

I sat outside his door. I sat there for a while. Until I heard him yell in pain. I sprang up and basically punched the door.

"JOHN!" I yelled. I kicked the door and it opened. I ran into his room and found him sitting on the floor in the bathroom.

I knelt down beside him. I lifted the cloth he had on his wrist and it showed cuts. He had multiple scars going up his arms.

"Joh-" I started to say. I heard his breathing pick up and he called for Len. len ran in and sat in front of him, trying to calm him down. Next thing I know, john passed out.

"W-what happened?" I asked Len.

"Ever since what happened with the girl and his trust issues. He will have the attacks that cause him to black out." He told me.

"I-I caused him to have an attack?" I asked, horrified that I did that to him.

"Possibly, but there is a chance it was him getting nervous over you seeing the cuts and scars," he told me. " I wish I had my old brother back"

"I want my old friend back." I whispered.mi walked out of the room and to mine. I stayed there for a while.

"He is awake if you want to go see him?" I heard lenny say from the other side of the door.

I ran down the stairs. Stopping outside his door. I sat down on the ground infront of his door.

"Hey John." I said through the door. I heard him walking towards the door.

"NO! STAY IN THERE!" I warned him.

"I'll talk to you from this side of the door so you don't have and attack." I told him.

"Len told you everything didn't he?" He asked me.

"No, he only told some things." I assured him.

"You can tell me if you want?" I suggested.

"NO!" He yelled. I was scared. A tear ran down my cheek.

"I-im s-sorry," I said as I ran upstairs to my room. Hidden away from everything.

I fell asleep and my alarm woke me up the next morning.

I slapped it and slowly dragged myself out of bed.

"What are you doing up this early?" Len asked me.

"I have to go see my counsellor," I told him.

"You do therapy?" He said as he choked on his cereal.

"Well, yeah. Because of the trauma my 'dad' put me through, I needed it. My counsellor in Melbourne recommended this one to me. I hope I can trust them though." I said as I quickly munched on a piece of toast.

"His name isn't Charlie is it?" He asked me. I stopped eating.

"Yes, how would you?" I asked him.

"John goes to therapy, he is really broken." He told me.

"I'm going to try and help fix him." I said.

Lost hope (Len and John Pearce)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن