after school chp5

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Once school was over I sent everyone my address.




ILL send you ally address


celestial street mag,ave house number #212

see you in a hour then

I HAD time to set out some chips,dip, cupcakes,chicken,soda,and other stuff we would need .

Once everyone arrived at my house they had their sleeping bags and stuff.

Isn't their school tomorrow,I asked with confusion.

  "No because there was a water prolbm that caused a fuse so no school, Erza said

When they entered the house we ordered pizza and I got put a #LOT! of pillows and we watched a movie for 2hours.

"LETS play a game!, Levy said

Ok, but what game, lis asked

"Oh, oh, oh i know, Mira said
  How about truth or dare

"Ok, who goes first, jellal asked

   ~~~NO ONE POV~~~
"I'll go first, gray said

"Laxus truth or dare

"Dare laxus replied

"I dare you to kiss jellals foot

"WHAT!?, jellal and laxus yelled

Theirs no way I'll kiss his foot, NO WAY, laxus said


"Fine ( laxus went up to jellal and kissed his foot)

" Lucy truth or dare ,laxus asked

"Truth she reliped

"Who is the cutest boy in this room, laxus asked

Ummm..... Na-na-nastu Lucy said

"Umm... Jellal truth or dare Lucy asked

" Dare me

"I dare you to kiss Erza

"Ok (jellal walked over to Erza and kissed the hand)

"Why the hand ,Mira wined

"Lucy never said we're I had to kiss her

~~~LUCY POV~~~
wow jellal know he wanted to kiss her lips I just know he wanted to ( I said to myself

Lisanna truth or dare ,jellal asked

Dare, she reliped

I dare you to play 7 minutes with the cutest boy in this room

Then lisanna pulled out her phone and started texting someone

Nastu then check his phone and looked up at lisanna with shocking face expression

Within 10+seconds later they both got up and walked over to the closet

they both came out of the closet looking tired. I don't know why but I was MAD!

I noticed that Lucy looked mad but I don't know why.
Maybe it's not a good time to tell them.  I don't want to play anore let's get Chinese food, I said

Yes! I LOVE CHINESE FOOD, Levy yelled

"Calm down half pipe, gajeel told his girlfriend

"Sorry, that made everyone laugh but Luce

" Hey Luce are you ok, I asked

Yes I'm fine, she said in annoyance

Let's watch a movie i suggested

Then I turn on a moive

During the moive the food came  I paid for the food and said thank you.

Once we ate our food we changed into our night cloths and got ready for bed.

I have something to tell you all, I'm dating lisanna

Congratulations they said but Luce but I didn't pay her any mind.
Hope you guys like this chapter I hope it was good.

crazy loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora