chp 4

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Perviously: oh I have some friends I want you to met, Erza said
This is lisanna,laxus ,and bixslow
Hey, lisanna said
Oh hey sis,lisanna said again

Nastu POV

Present: hey lis, Mira said

"how do you know each other Luce said

Lis is my sister and elfmen is our brother, but he's spending the school year,with our grandma because his girlfriend goes to the same school. Mira said

What's her name?? Luce asked

Evergreen, Mira answered

"We all know each other. Gray said

" My darling you know everything. Juvia said

Then the teacher walked in the classroom "settle down class take a seat.the teacher said

"Mira who are your other friends you wanted me and Lev to met? Lucy asked

Oh know who they are now she replied
Oh..was all Lucy could say

When we split ways to our classes gajeel had all classes as me .

"Levy can we talk, gajeel asked
When he said my real name besides the nicknames I knew he was serious

Sure I said

Remember when we were in 1st grade and we acted like a couple

Yeah I remember back then I was less work that had to be done I said

" you want to be my girl , gajeel asked then looked away blushing

"Yes yes yes I love you gajeel

"I love you to short stack

Next thing we both knew the whole class well the people in the class clapped for us including the teacher.

The teacher soon then started mumbling about how she wish she had something like this.

The she turned on bill the science that moment I decided to text lu

That Kidd Lev 📚~~
Lu guess what!!

Your gurl lu🗝️~~

What, what happened!

That Kidd Lev📚~~

Me and gajeel are dating

Your gurl lu🗝️~~

Congratulations Levy I'm happy I'll tell the others TTYL

once I finished texting Lev I told my friends.and also asked for they're numbers so I could send them my address.

Hope you liked this chapter comment for more ideas

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